





Direct Sales Connection - Direct Selling Opportunities 直銷方面-直銷機會;direct fast brilliant yellow direct fast light yellow 直接耐曬嫩黃;direct-acting engine direct-drive engine 直接傳動式發動機;direct fast brilliant yellow direct fast light yellow 直接耐曬嫩黃;direct fast brilliant yellow direct fast light yellow 直接耐曬嫩黃;


1.The untypical direct intent is a kind of direct intent, a borderline case between the typical direct intent and the indirect intent. 不典型的直接故意是介於典型的直接故意與間接故意之間的一種直接故意。

2.The direct adaptive control approach is composed of a linear direct adaptive controller, a neural network nonlinear direct adaptive controller and a switching mechanism. 該控制方法由線性直接自適應控制器,神經網絡非線性直接自適應控制器以及切換機構組成。

3.The untypical direct intent is a kind of direct intent, a borderline case between the typical direct intent and the indirect intent. 不典型的直接故意是介於典型的直接故意與間接故意之間的一種直接故意。

4.Direct Current (DC)|---|Direct current is current with no reversals in polarity. 直流|---|直流是指沒有正負極性往復變化的電流。

5.In France, the Mutuels sans Intermediares stole the march on direct writers by reducing commissions to levels at which direct writers could not enter the market with a significant price advantage. 在法國,中介通過降低佣金的方式偷走了直保者前進的機會,降低的程度使得直銷保險公司沒有了進入市場所能帶來的價格優勢。


Is it direct train? - 這是直達車嗎?

Let me direct that question to the manager. - 讓我直接問經理好了。

Since Tom Lee is our sole agent for our products in Korea, we can't make you a direct offer. - 因為湯姆·李是我方產品在韓國的獨家代理人,所以我們不能直接向您發盤。

He would direct the workman to use his plans. - 他為了執行自己的計劃,給員工下了指示。

Could you direct me to the station, please? - 請問到車站怎麼走?

After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. - 警報響過不久,巨輪急轉彎,以避免與冰山正面相撞。

It went direct from my local station and the journey lasted mere hour and seventeen minutes. - 這是趟直達車,旅途總共才需1小時17分鐘。

The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in the line of its course, are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress. - 沿船體的上升的氣流和沿航線向前的氣流給這種巨翼大鳥以足夠的浮力和推力。

I'm a director. I direct plays. - 我是導演。我導演戲劇。

Do you direct comedies? - 您導演喜劇嗎?

From this we get the expression to make a beeline for someone or something, which means to go quickly along a straight direct course for someone or something. - 從這裡我們得到一條短語"to make a beeline for someone or something,意思是迅速地沿著一條直線向某人或某物走去。


n. process of superimposed alternating current to direct current - 交流與直流疊加過程

n. shrink fit type direct pilot - 冷縮裝配式

n. direct chill casting process - 半連續澆鑄法

n. piezoelectric direct effect - 壓電正向效應

n. piezoelectric direct effect - 壓電直接效應

n. process of superimposed alternating current to direct current - 疊加交流和直流的方法

n. anodizing process of superimposed alternating current to direct current - 疊加交流和直流的陽極氧化法

direct laryngoscopy - 喉直接鏡檢查

direct illumination; vertical illumination - 垂直照明

lateral direct verirs - 外側支靜脈

direct agglutination pregnacy - 妊娠直接凝集試驗

n. direct pressure - 定向壓力

n. direct die - 導向模

intracardiac repair under direct vision - 心內直視修補術

cardiac operation under direct vision; open heart surgery - 心臟直視手術

direct transmission; directtransmission; hanging drop method - 懸滴法

n. scattered direct radiation intensity ratio - 散射直射輻射強度比

intubation under direct vision - 明視插管術

effective direct radiation - 有效直接放射

n. direct piercing - 正向鑽孔

direct cycle - 正循環

direct ratio - 正比

direct proportion - 正比例

n. direct rate curve - 正比曲線

n. direct electric process - 正淬火法

intermittent direct current therapy - 段續直流電療法

n. direct quench aging - 熱浴時效處理

n. hot direct charge rolling - 熱直放輥壓

n. direct current power source for plating - 電鍍用直流電源

n. direct electric process - 電阻直接加熱處理

direct attack on the three yin channels; direct attack or the three yin channels - 直中三陰

direct reacting bilirubin - 直反應膽紅素

direct reacting bilirubin - 直應膽紅素

direct action; direct effect; primary action - 直接作用

direct light reflex - 直接光反射

direct reaction to light - 直接光反應

direct immunofluoresence - 直接免疫螢光

n. direct redrawing - 直接再拉拔

direct blast injury - 直接衝擊傷

n. direct piercing - 直接沖孔

n. direct die - 直接沖模

n. direct process - 直接冶煉法

n. direct chill casting process - 直接冷卻鑄造法

direct agglutination reaction - 直接凝集反應

direct agglutination test - 直接凝集試驗

n. direct tapping - 直接出鋼

amitosis; direct division - 直接分裂

n. direct rigidity method - 直接剛度法

n. direct steel making - 直接制銅

direct stimulation - 直接刺激


n.直接膽紅素 - bilirubin direct

血液直接分類法 - blood direct clalification method

n.心臟直視手術 - cardiac operation under direct vision

n.直接稱重校正 - correction of direct weightings

n.直視下矯正術 - correction under direct vision

n.直視分離術 - division under direct vision

n.有效直接放射 - effective direct radiation

n.等效直接放射 - equivalent direct radiation

n.直視分離術 - exclusion under direct vision

氣相色譜直接注入法 - gas chromatography direct insufflation

n.段續直流電療法 - intermittent direct current therapy

n.明視插管術 - intubation under direct vision

n.心內直視修補術 - intracardiac repair under direct vision

n.耳蝸內直流電位,蝸管內直流電位 - intracochlear direct current potential

n.外側支靜脈 - lateral direct verirs

n.直視下二尖瓣分離術 - separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision

n.短的直接重複序列 - short direct repeats

n.直接法標準化率 - standardized rate by direct method

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