neuroglialadj. 神經膠質的
neuroglial 神經膠質的;神經膠質細胞的;neuroglial cell 神經膠質細胞;神經膠細胞;釋義:神經膠質,神經膠質細胞;neuroglial cells 釋義:神經膠質細胞;Functions of Nerve Cell and Neuroglial Cell 第一節 神經細胞和神經膠質細胞的功能;
1.Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neuroglial processes, firmly adherent to the pia mater. 軟腦脊膜同神經組織之間有一薄層神經膠質細胞突起牢牢地附著在軟腦膜上。
2.This type of infarction is marked by loss of neurons and neuroglial cells and the formation of a clear space at the center left. 左側中央的明亮的壞死區神經元和神經膠質細胞消失。
3.Objective:To observe the alteration of the neuron and neuroglial cells from injured cerebal tissue under electron microscope and to explore the state of injured cerebal tissue indirectly. 目的:觀察創傷腦組織神經元和神經膠質細胞超微結構改變,間接瞭解腦組織受損後恢復情況。方法:常規電鏡樣品包埋,選區,超薄切片,透射電鏡觀察。