Read[ri:d]vt. 閱讀;讀懂,理解vi. 讀;讀起來n. 閱讀;讀物adj. 有學問的
Read (讀):對文件進行讀操作(複製、下載,不含查看)的權力。;閱讀;讀,閱讀,讀數;讀出;destructive read 破環讀出;破壞性讀取;破壞讀出;釋義:破壞讀出;read back 讀回;複述;重複;覆誦;nondestructive read 非破壞讀出;非破壞性閱讀;forward read 正向讀出;正讀,順讀;
1.He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day. 前幾天我在圖書館遇見他時,他正在閱讀莎士比亞的戲劇。
2.He read his text all the morning. 今/那天)他讀了一早上的課文。
3.Read the article and answer these questions. 讀這篇文章並回答這些問題。
Maybe you read our ads in the newspaper. - 也許你在報紙上看過我們的廣告。
Which part of the paper do you read first? - 你會先看報紙的哪一部分?
I read everything I can get my hands on but I like ghosts stories best. - 我隨意拿起什麼便看什麼,但我最喜歡看鬼故事。
Thanks very much. I'll read these. - 非常感謝。我會看一下的。
I read when I have the chance. - 我有空時喜歡讀書。
No, but I've read enough about it. - 不曾,不過我常常讀到有關它的報導。
Unbelievable. I've got to read her new book as soon as it comes out. - 真了不起。她的新書一出版我就得讀一讀。
I've read your application materials with interest. - 我很有興趣地看了你的申請材料。
Oh yes, the May Fourth Movement. I've read about it. - 哦,是的,五四運動,我聽說過。
Do you have any magazines I can read during the flight? - 你們機上有雜誌給我看嗎?
Thank you, Mr. Riley. We'll read this over carefully. - 謝謝你 Riley先生。我們會仔細閱讀這些。
I read my horoscope every morning, but I don't really believe in it. - 我每天早上都看我的運程,但是我不相信它。
I read the newspaper over breakfast. - 我邊吃早飯邊看報紙。
to read to the students--their own children, really. - 共同為學生們, 其實就是他們自己的孩子, 朗讀
how do we get them to read more? - 我們怎樣才能使他們多閱讀?
and to read along with the children--their children. - 和孩子們--他們的孩子們, 一起閱讀。
would love to read and be read to. - 會喜歡閱讀, 喜歡別人讀給他們聽。
What would you like to read to them? - 你想讀些什麼給他們聽?
will read a poem by Robert Frost. - 要朗讀Robert Frost作的一首詩。
Well, we may read together aloud at home. - 嗯 ,我們或許可以在家, 一起大聲朗誦。
Ah! I'll read it to you. - 啊! 我來讀給你聽聽。
Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? - 你看到報紙上的新聞了嗎 ,Malcolm?
Yes, I read you loud and clear. - 嗯,我完全明白。
Get this place picked up immediately. do you read me? - 馬上把這裡收拾乾淨,聽明白沒有?
I read Guangzhou Daily on my way to work in the morning. - 早上上班的路上我總是讀《廣州日報》。
Don't read in bad light, it can harm your eyes. - 別在昏暗的燈光下讀書,會影響你的視力的。
You might want to read up a little on the culture before you get there. - 去那兒之前,你應該讀一些關於那邊文化方面的書。
Jack, Would you please read this letter of application I've just written? - 傑克,你能讀一下這封我剛寫的求職信嗎?
I was quite surprised when I read in your letter that you had decided not to finish your studies at the university. - 當我在你的信中看到你已決定終止大學學業時感到很是驚訝。
When you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. - 當你讀的時候,要盡量大聲、盡量清晰和盡量快速。
I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I had read the book from which it was made. - 電影不錯,我希望我讀過原著。[wish + 主語 = 過去完成時 = 願望之事在wish以前發生。]
I usually read a book to kill time. - 我通常用看書來消磨時間。
I read a magazine in bed. - 我躺在床上看雜誌。
Do you read advertisements too? - 你也看廣告嗎?
Mr. Jones can read French pretty well. - 瓊斯先生讀法語相當好。
Before I eat dinner,I read the newspaper for a while. - 在我吃晚飯以前,我花一會兒讀報紙。
After dinner I read a magazine and made some telephone calls. - 在晚飯以後我讀一本雜誌和打了一些電話。
I've already read that book. - 我已經讀了那本書。
In elementary school,the child learns to read and write. - 在小學,孩子學習讀寫。
I've never read a more stirring story. - 我從來沒讀比這更激動人心的故事。
I've read about it,but I'd like to know more about it. - 我已經知道了一點兒,但我還想多瞭解一些。
Would you please read the draft contract and make your moments about the terms? - 請仔細閱讀合同草案,並就合同各條款提出你的看法好嗎?
To read only the good news - 只看好消息
I didn't read the whole paper, arts column. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了藝術版。
I didn't read the whole paper, editorial. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了社論。
I didn't read the whole paper, front page. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了頭版。
I didn't read the whole paper, headlines. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了標題。
I didn't read the whole paper, society page column. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了社交版。
I didn't read the whole paper, sports page. - 我沒有看到報紙的全部,我只是大概看了體育版。
I often read the newspaper in the morning. - 我常常在早上看報。
read mostly memory - 主讀存儲器
read reverse - 倒轉讀出
read half-pulse - 半選脈衝
read off; readout - 讀出
read amplifier; sense amplifier - 讀出放大器
read back check - 讀回校驗
read off; reading - 讀數
read glass - 讀數放大鏡
read winding - 讀數繞組
read throughsuppression - 連讀校正