skinheadsn. [英俚]光頭青年(等於Agro-boy);[美俚]剃光頭者(skinhead的複數)
Skinheads 光頭黨;光頭族;Working Class Skinheads 朋客搖滾樂;
1.Before he started this adventurous journey to Russia, gossip had it that there were the gang of skinheads in Russia targeting foreigners as prey. 在他赴俄之前,有傳言說俄羅斯一幫人組成了光頭黨,專門針對外國人下手。
2.In court records, agents say they disrupt plans by two neo-Nazi skinheads to rob a gun store target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school. 在法庭記錄中,官方稱他們是根據兩名納粹白人搶劫槍支商店並把一所重要的非洲裔美國人高中作為目標,從而破壞了這些計劃的。
3.In court records, agents say they disrupt plans by two neo-Nazi skinheads to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school. 根據法庭記錄,兩個新納粹主義者計劃搶劫一個槍械店並襲擊一個沒有提及名稱的但非常有名的非裔美國高中。