cold-snapn. 乍寒的天氣;冷汛
cold-snap 乍寒的天氣;乍寒的天氣,冷汛;冷汛;
1.But experts say the cold snap doesn't disprove global warming at all - it's just a blip in the long-term heating trend. 但專家們稱,寒潮和全球變暖並不矛盾——這只是變暖過程中的一個暫時現象而已。
2.A cold snap continues to grip much of the Northeast and upper Mid-west with temperatures well below freezing in some areas. 寒冷的天氣繼續遍及東北和中西部較高的地區,其中某些地區溫度在零度以下。
3.A cold snap in the winter of 2005-06 led to a spike in demand for natural gas, which is used both as a heating fuel and to generate electricity. 2005-06年冬季的一股寒流使天然氣需求大增,因為天然氣既用於供熱又用於發電。