





a. genial


a. physical


mental['mentəl]adj. 精神的;腦力的;瘋的n. 精神病患者


mental 心理的,精神的,智力的;精神的;記憶的,精神的,智力的;心理的;mental process 心理過程;心理歷程;智力處理;心理過程 [智力過程;mental models 心智模式;心智模型;心理模型;思想模式;mental map 心象地圖;意象圖;意境地圖;心象地圖(又稱「意境地圖」 根據人記憶中有關地理環境的印象所描繪的地圖。);mental hospital 精神醫院;精神病院 城市規劃;精神診所;精神病院 醫療衛生;


1.Workers can put their aggression into their work, be it physical like the work of a smith, or mental like the work of a scientist or an artist. 工人能把他們的進攻放入他們的工作,是它身體檢查喜歡鐵匠的工作,或心智的喜歡科學家的工作或一個藝術家。

2.Your mental body can read very well and so if you have a few blank cards, write affirmations on them and put them in places where you will automatically see them. 你的精神體可以非常好閱讀而且這樣如果你有一些銀行卡,在它們上面書寫肯定和將它們放置在你將自動的看見它們的地方。

3.As a practitioner in child and adolescent mental health I see some programmes that offer up an "expert" with little or no relevant child development or family therapy training. 作為一名兒童與青少年心理健康方面的從業者,我看到一些節目提供了與兒童成長或家庭治療訓練很少或沒有關係的「專家」。


How's your mental health? - 你的精神狀態怎麼樣?

lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away, and sentiment. - 一是體力,精力均告不佳,這二者是清除無用的東西必不可少的因素;另一原因是感情因素。

In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected. - 在工業生活的組織中,工廠對工人的生理和精神狀態的影響完全被忽視了。

One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. - 常見的一種指責是,噪音能引起精神病。

On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital. - 當人們急切地看完正文後,便知道這位女子是個打字員,辦公室打字機的聲音使她越來越煩惱,最終住進了精神病醫院。

if there is any effect of noise upon mental health it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it. - 如果噪音對精神健康有影響的話,那也一定是微乎其微,以致現代的精神病診斷方法還發現不了。

being brought up in an orphanages--which really is a mental health hazard. - 比在孤兒院長大所受的危害要小一些,孤兒院才是真正危害精神健康的地方。

The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. - 精神上多種情趣的培養是一個長期的過程。

Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. - 這種願望只能加劇精神緊張。


feeblemindedness; hypophrenia; mental deficiency - 低能

the house of mental activity --referring to brain; the huse of mental activity - 元神之府

mental depression - 冤

mental point; pogonion - 刻點

excessive mental labour; mental overstrian - 勞神過度

mental derangement; mentalderangement - 如喪神守

relieving mental stress - 寧心安神

the heart controls mental activities; the heart governs mental actitities - 心主神明

coordination of mental activeties and breathing - 心息相依

mental health; mentalhealth - 心理健康

mental health; mental hygiene; mentalhealth; psychophylaxis - 心理衛生

mental development; psychologic development - 心理發展

mental quotient - 心理商數

mental mechanism - 心理機制

mental hygiene - 心理生理學

abnormality of mental activities - 心神異常

acute mental disorder; acute phrenoblabia - 急性精神障礙

dyspepsia due to mental strain - 患隔

clouding of consciousness; confusion; mental confusion - 意識模糊

mental deficiency - 智力不足

mental age - 智力年齡

amentia; mental defect; mental deficiency amentia - 智力缺陷

noasthenia mental enfeeblement; psychoparesis - 智力薄弱

mental retaldation - 智力遲鈍

be helpful to the mental and physical health - 有益於身心健康

observation of mental state and facial expression - 望精神

dry phlegm-syndrome; phlegm-syndrome aggravated by mental strain - 氣痰

checking exuberant yang to ease mental strain - 潛陽安神

mental disorder due to heat - 熱傷神明

regulating qi by alleviation of mental depression - 疏郁理氣

Phlegmatic fire disturbs the heart; heart disturbed by phlegm-fire; mental disturbance due to phlegmfire - 痰火擾心

heart onfused by phlegm; mental confusion due to phlegm; syndrome of mental confusion due to phlegm - 痰迷心竅

mental disorder due to stagnation of phlegm; stagnation of phlegm in the interior - 痰閉

mental derangement; mentalderangement - 神不守舍

mental derangement; mentalderangement; psychoneurosis - 神思間病

mental activities; mental activity - 神明

disposition; mental disposition - 秉性

third mental therapeutics - 第三心理治療

mental conflict - 精神衝突

mental institution - 精神醫院

mental health; mental hygiene; mentalhealth - 精神衛生

mental hygienics - 精神衛生學

mental reaardation - 精神發育遲滯

mental retardation - 精神發育阻滯

mental pseudopregnancy - 精神性假妊娠

mental vomiting; psychogenic vomiting - 精神性嘔吐

alalia mentalis; mental alalia - 精神性失語症

mental anesthesia - 精神性感覺缺失

mental torticollis - 精神性斜頸

mental deafness; mind deafness; psychic deufness - 精神性聾


n.心神異常 - abnormality of mental activities

n.急性精神障礙 - acute mental disorder

灑精中毒藥及精神障礙委員會 - Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration

n.有益於身心健康 - be helpful to the mental and physical health

n.潛陽安神 - checking exuberant yang to ease mental strain

n.心息相依 - coordination of mental activeties and breathing

n.患隔 - dyspepsia due to mental strain

n.勞神過度 - excessive mental labour

n.集體心理治療 - group mental therapeutics

嚴重精神延微 - heavy mental retardate

n.智力薄弱 - noasthenia mental enfeeblement

n.望精神 - observation of mental state and facial expression

n.部分精神障礙 - partial mental aberration

n.氣痰 - phlegm-syndrome aggravated by mental strain

n.精神病 - psychosis mental disease

n.疏郁理氣 - regulating qi by alleviation of mental depression

n.調心 - regulation of mental activities

n.寧心安神 - relieving mental stress

n.痰迷心竅 - syndrome of mental confusion due to phlegm

n.心主神明 - the heart controls mental activities

n.心主神明 - the heart governs mental actitities

n.元神之府 - the house of mental activity

n.元神之府 - the house of mental activity --referring to brain

n.元神之府 - the huse of mental activity

n.第三心理治療 - third mental therapeutics


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