





qualified acceptance 有條件承兌;有規限承兌;限制承兌,附帶條件承兌匯票,附條件承兌,附條件的簽署,附條件的認支匯票,附條件簽署,附條件認支匯票,不單純承兌,修改性承兌,(票據)條件承兌;限制性承兌;qualified admiration 有保留的讚揚;qualified acceptance 有條件承兌;有規限承兌;限制承兌,附帶條件承兌匯票,附條件承兌,附條件的簽署,附條件的認支匯票,附條件簽署,附條件認支匯票,不單純承兌,修改性承兌,(票據)條件承兌;限制性承兌;qualified approbation 有保留的認可;qualified elector 符合資格的選民;符合資格的選民-----;合格選舉人;


1.It is processed with the shallow splitting unit and cannot get qualified with light oil, but can get qualified with heavy fuel oil. 塔河原油是一種劣質、重質原油,該原油通過減粘裂化裝置加工可得半成品的輕油,還可以得到合格的燃料油。

2.Therefore the accurate meaning is: The CE symbol is the safe qualified symbol, but non-quality qualified symbol. 因此準確的含義是:CE 標誌是安全合格標誌而非質量合格標誌。

3.Our aim is to train only those students who are qualified spiritually, emotionally, and academically. 我們的目標是只培訓在靈命、情感及學業上均合資格的學生。

4.The traditional content and teaching methods of Political Econom ics course in vocational colleges, which have dissatisfying teaching effect, can not meet the needs of training qualified talents. 高職院校《政治經濟學》課程傳統的教學內容和方法與高職教育的培養目標存在一定差距,教學效果不盡如人意。

5.Dr Wong also has a medical doctorate and is a qualified Anaesthetist. 黃志明博士還擁有醫學博士學位並獲得了麻醉師資格。


My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job. - 我的教育背景和工作經驗使我能夠勝任這項工作。

Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job? - 為何你認為你自己符合這職位的資格?

What makes you think you are qualified for this position? - 是什麼使你認為你有資格做這個職位?

Why do you feel you're qualified for this job? - 你為什麼覺得你能勝任這項工作?

He is far too qualified for such a menial position. - 他做那樣卑賤的工作,未免太可惜了。

A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. - 議會內有一個代表各政黨利益的委員會,由它委派一位稱職的人選專門調查個人對國家的意見。

Shortly after this the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition established the study of the sea-floor as a subject worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists. - 此後不久,英國著名的「挑戰者」號艦艇對海底的那次考察,把對海床的研究確立為一個值得一流物理學家和地質學家從事的研究課題。

Which person do you think is qualified for the job? - 你認為哪一個人能勝任這份工作?

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