stalinists['stalinist]adj. 斯大林的;斯大林主義的n. 斯大林主義者
1.The fact of the matter is that the Stalinists compare the two regimes from the point of view of vulgar democracy. 問題的真相在於,斯大林主義者是從庸俗的民主主義的觀點來比較這兩種制度的。
2.His reference to "opium for the people" suggests that those he had in mind were Stalinists who had a mechanical view of nature. 他對於「人類的鴉片」的引用,表明他所指的是那些具有機械的自然觀的斯大林主義者。
3.By falling below the 5 percent mark, the Stalinists lost eligibility to receive state subsidies for election campaign expenses and face a massive financial deficit. 由在5百分比標記下面掉落,史達林主義者失去了資格為選舉運動開銷收到狀態津貼並且面臨巨大的金融的赤字。