condors['kɔndɔ:]n. [動]禿鷲,禿鷹
condors 神鷹;Eastern Condors 東方禿鷹;Land of the condors 大地飛鷹;大地飛鷹 經濟版;Land of Condors 大地飛鷹;Crooked Bow Shooting Condors 彎弓射鵰;
1.The condors flew far and far away. 禿鷹飛離我遠去。
2.Condors are covered in black feathers, with a ring of white feathers around the bottom of their necks and patches of white feathers on their wings. 安地斯禿鷹全身覆滿黑羽毛,脖子底端有一圈白羽毛,翅膀也有幾塊白羽毛。
3.Each and every cheetah is virtually a lone ranger who, even in desperate hunger, is above scrambling with condors for any leftovers or dregs of meat. 每一頭獵豹,都是問心無愧的獨行俠,哪怕飢腸轆轆,也永遠不會和禿鷲爭奪一絲腐渣和殘肉。