a. mesial ,proximal
distal[dis'təl]adj. [解]末梢的,末端的
distal 遠側的;末梢的;遠端的;遠側;distal hood 末端罩,頂部罩;釋義:末端罩,頂部罩;distal side 遠極側面;釋義:遠極面;遠極面(孢粉);distal contourite 遠源等深積巖;distal cause 遠因;
1.Objective To study an effective method of treating comminuted fractures of distal radius. 目的探討一種治療橈骨遠端粉碎性骨折的有效方法。
2.Objective:To investigate the cause of gastroparesis syndrome after radical distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer. 目的:探討胃癌根治性遠側胃切除術後胃癱綜合征的發病原因。
3.Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of the cervical nerve root coexisting with the distal nerve entrapment(Double crush syndrome). 目的探討近端頸神經根受壓合併遠端神經卡壓(雙卡綜合征)的診斷和治療。
separation of distal radioulnar joint - 下尺橈關節分離
sprain tion of distal radioulnar joint - 下尺橈關節扭傷
dislocation of distal radioulnar joint - 下尺橈關節脫位
separation of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses - 下脛腓骨骺分離
distal tingling on percussion - 叩診末端刺痛感
distal ileum; terminal ileum - 迴腸末端
distal ileitis; terminal ileitis - 迴腸末端炎
resection of distal end of ulna - 尺骨運端切除術
distal palm crease - 手掌遠橫紋
distal phalanx traction - 末指節骨牽引術
distal ileitis; terminal ileitis - 末端迴腸炎
distal end - 離中心端
skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur - 股骨下端牽引術
epiphysiolysis of distal end of femur - 股骨遠端骨骺分離
glomerulo distal tubular shunt - 腎小球-遠端小管短路
distal convoluted tubules - 腎遠曲小管
distal impacted third molar - 遠中阻生第三磨牙
distal interphalangeal - 遠位指間關節
distal convoluted tubule - 遠側腎曲小管
distal portion - 遠側部
distal end - 遠心端
distal face - 遠極面
distal muscular dystrophy - 遠端型肌營養不良症
convoluted portion of distal convoluted tubule - 遠端小管曲部
straight portion of distal convoluted tubule - 遠端小管直部
distal renal tubule cell - 遠端腎小管細胞
distal phalanx; phalanx distalis - 遠節指骨
distal tuberosity of phalanx; tuberositas phalangis distalis - 遠節指骨粗隆
distal part; pars distalis - 遠部
n.遠端小管曲部 - convoluted portion of distal convoluted tubule
n.下尺橈關節脫位 - dislocation of distal radioulnar joint
n.股骨遠端骨骺分離 - epiphysiolysis of distal end of femur
n.腎小球-遠端小管短路 - glomerulo distal tubular shunt
n.尺骨運端切除術 - resection of distal end of ulna
n.下尺橈關節分離 - separation of distal radioulnar joint
n.下脛腓骨骺分離 - separation of distal tibial and fibular epiphyses
n.股骨下端牽引術 - skeletal traction tqrongh distal end of femur
n.下尺橈關節扭傷 - sprain tion of distal radioulnar joint
n.遠端小管直部 - straight portion of distal convoluted tubule