cave cave dwelling cave-house 窯洞;cave cave dwelling cave-house 窯洞;cave cave dwelling cave-house 窯洞;cave dweller cave man troglodyte 穴居人;cave dweller cave man troglodyte 穴居人;
1.A hoop cave dwelling is not a real cave, but only a cave-shaped house put up with brick or adobe on the level ground modeled after a cave dwelling. 箍窯不是真正的窯洞,是以磚或土坯在平地仿窯洞形狀箍砌的洞形房屋。
2.he large quantity of fossils of the Yuanmou Man, the Lantian Man, the Peking Man, and the Upper Cave Man (Shandingdong Man), found in widespread sites in China. 此外,還發現了許多古人類化石,如年代稍晚的元謀人、藍田人、北京人和山頂洞人等等,數量很多、分佈地域也很廣。
3.In the foreground is a cave housing a stone circle of unknown origin named False Kiva. The cave was briefly lit by flashlight during the long exposure. 畫面中最近處是一個巖洞,裡面有一個用石頭壘成的圓圈,來歷不明,人們叫它「虛擬地穴」。
4.Cave of Crystals, Mexico Massive beams of selenite dwarf human explorers in Mexico's Cave of Crystals, deep below the Chihuahuan Desert. 水晶洞穴,墨西哥在奇瓦瓦沙漠下面的墨西哥水晶洞穴裡,亞硒酸鹽形成的巨大柱體使人類探險家看上去如此矮小。
5.Archaeologists have found numerous prehistoric cultural sites in the province, including the famous stone age Guanyin Cave Culture and Big Cave Culture. 歷史學家在該省發現了很多史前文化遺址,其中包括著名的「觀音石窟文化」?和「大石窟文化」。