Chubbn. 丘伯保險鎖(商標名稱)
Chubb 丘博;丘博保險集團;英國集寶;寶公司;Chubb Corp 丘博保險集團;IAN CHUBB 國立大學校長查布;副校長伊恩·查伯;Sarah Chubb 總裁莎拉·查布;Chubb Insurance 丘博保險;美國聯邦保險;
1.Does Chubb get to insure every single thing I own? 我所有的東西都上了丘伯保險鎖嗎?
2.Stonehenge was formerly owned by a local man, Sir Cecil Chubb, and he gave it to the nation in 1918 and it is now managed by English Heritage on behalf of the Government. 巨石陣曾為當地的塞西爾
3.Stonehenge was formerly owned by a local man, Sir Cecil Chubb, and he gave it to the nation in 1918 and it is now managed by English Heritage on behalf of the Government. 巨石陣曾為當地的塞西爾·查布勳爵所有,於1918年捐獻給了國家,現由英國襲產署代表政府管理。