Algiersn. 阿爾及爾(阿爾及利亞首都)
Algiers 阿爾及爾;阿爾及爾;海角遊魂;阿爾及利亞;Algiers Region 阿爾及爾地區;Algiers Metro 阿爾及爾地鐵;ALGIERS ALG 阿爾及爾;ALG ALGIERS 阿爾及爾(阿爾及利亞);
1.See the market place, In old Algiers, Send me photographs and souvenirs, Just remember, When a dream appears, You belong to me. 注視著在老安吉爾的市場,遞送著我的照片和紀念品,回憶著夢裡所展現的一切,你屬於我。
2.A town of northern Algeria at the foot of the Atlas Mountains southwest of Algiers. It was built on the site of a Roman military base. Population, 3', 03
3. 阿爾及利亞北部一城鎮,位於阿爾及爾西南阿特拉斯山脈山腳。建在羅馬軍事基地之上。人口3',033。
3.Watch the sun rise from the tropic isle ? Just remember darling all the while ? You belong to me ? See the market place in old Algiers ? Send me photographs and souvenirs ? 望著正是雨季時的叢林?回憶著一切直到你歸來??你屬於我?沒有你在身邊我會很孤單?