





epithelial[,epi'θi:liəl]adj. [生]上皮的;皮膜的


epithelial 上皮的;皮膜的;上皮細胞的;釋義:上皮的;epithelial body 甲狀旁腺;上皮體;髒囊上皮體;釋義:甲狀旁腺;epithelial parenchyma 上皮薄壁細胞;上皮薄壁組織;epithelial cast 上皮圓柱;上皮管型;釋義:上皮管型;上皮性尿圓柱;epithelial metaplasia 上皮組織變生;上皮化生;釋義:上皮化生;上皮組織化生;


1.This increased self-palpation may stimulate the release of epithelial cells into the circulation. 這種加強的自我觸診會刺激上皮細胞向循環系統的釋放。

2.Furthermore, many epithelial cells of the mucous membranes contain cilia that actively remove microorganisms. 而且一些粘膜表面的上皮細胞含有纖毛能除去微生物。

3.The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized, horny material, such as hair, nails, or feathers. 角質化鱗狀的''。'上'。''''。'皮'。''組織轉化為角質化,角質樣的物質,例如毛髮、''。'指甲'。''或羽毛。


epithelial rest - 上皮剩餘

epithelial metaplasia - 上皮化生

epithelial cyst - 上皮囊腫

epithelial proliferation - 上皮增生

epithelial ectoderm - 上皮外胚層

epithelial layer - 上皮層

epithelial papilloma - 上皮性乳頭狀瘤

epithelial reticular cell - 上皮性網狀細胞

epithelial granuloma - 上皮性肉芽腫

epithelial hepatoblastoma - 上皮性肚母細胞瘤

epithelial crescent - 上皮新月

epithelial root sheath - 上皮根鞘

epithelial odontogenic tumor - 上皮牙源性腫瘤

epithelial odontoma - 上皮牙瘤

epithelial pearls pearly bodies; onion bodies - 上皮珠

egf; epithelial growth factor - 上皮生長因子

epidermal nevi; epithelial nevi - 上皮痣

epithelial carcinoma - 上皮癌

epithelial grafting - 上皮移植術

epithelial cast - 上皮管型

epith epithelial cell - 上皮細胞

epithelial cell type thyomoma - 上皮細胞型胸腺瘤

epithelial hyperplasia - 上皮細胞增生

epithelial cell layer; epithelial cell stratum - 上皮細胞層

epithelial gland - 上皮腺

epithelial foot process - 上皮足突

epithelial molluscum; molluscum contagiosum; molluscum epitheliale - 上皮軟疣

epithelial attachment - 上皮附著

epithelial sheath - 上皮鞘

epithelial tumor of mammary glands - 乳腺上皮腫瘤

human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen - 人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原

secretory epithelial cells - 分泌上皮細胞

epithelial tumor of ovary - 卵巢上皮性腫瘤

unclassified epithelial tumor of ovary - 卵巢未分類上皮瘤

epithelial tumor of larynx - 喉上皮細胞瘤

epithelial cells of basal layer - 基底層上皮細胞

large round epithelial cell - 大圓上皮細胞

small round epithelial cells - 小圓上皮細胞

caudate epithelial cells; tail-shape epithelial cells - 尾形上皮細胞

focal epithelial hyperplasia - 局灶性上皮增殖

malignant epithelial tumor - 惡性上皮組織腫瘤

sensory epithelial cell - 感覺上皮細胞

flat epithelial cell - 扁平上皮細胞

bronchial ciliated columnar epithelial cell - 支氣管纖毛柱狀上皮細胞

columnar epithelial cell - 柱狀上皮細胞

serous pigmentary epithelial detachment - 漿液性色素上皮脫離

follicular epithelial cells - 濾泡上皮細胞

ovarian epithelial islands; walthards cell rests - 瓦爾塔德氏細胞殘餘

seminiferous epithelial cycle - 生精上皮週期

thyreoid follicle epithelial cell - 甲狀腺囊泡上皮細胞


乳腺細胞,肺泡上皮細胞 - alveolar epithelial cell

n.肺泡上皮細胞 - alveolar epithelial cells

n.支氣管纖毛柱狀上皮細胞 - bronchial ciliated columnar epithelial cell

n.鈣化牙原性上皮瘤 - calcified epithelial odontogenic tumor

牙原性鈣化上皮瘤,鈣化皮牙原性腫瘤 - calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

n.尾形上皮細胞 - caudate epithelial cells

n.纖毛上皮細胞 - ciliated epithelial cell

n.柱狀上皮細胞 - columnar epithelial cell

n.上皮細胞 - epith epithelial cell

n.上皮外的 - extra epithelial

n.鞭毛上皮細胞 - flagellate epithelial cell

n.扁平上皮細胞 - flat epithelial cell

n.局灶性上皮增殖 - focal epithelial hyperplasia

n.濾泡上皮細胞 - follicular epithelial cells

腺上皮性腫瘤 - glandular epithelial neoplasm

腺上皮性腫瘤 - glandular epithelial tumor

n.人上皮的 - human epithelial

n.人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原 - human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen

青年上皮萎縮 - juvenile epithelial dystrophy

n.大圓上皮細胞 - large round epithelial cell

n.惡性上皮組織腫瘤 - malignant epithelial tumor

小囊性上皮營養不良,小囊性上皮營養障礙 - microcystic epithelial dystrophy

n.瓦爾塔德氏細胞殘餘 - ovarian epithelial islands

n.色素上皮細胞 - pigment epithelial cell

n.色素上皮層 - pigment epithelial layer

n.胸膜上皮細胞 - pleural epithelial cell

點狀上皮角膜裂紋 - punctate epithelial keratopathy

n.腎小管上皮細胞 - renal tubular epithelial cell

n.分泌上皮細胞 - secretory epithelial cells

n.感覺上皮細胞 - sensory epithelial cell

n.生精上皮週期 - seminiferous epithelial cycle

n.漿液性色素上皮脫離 - serous pigmentary epithelial detachment

n.小圓上皮細胞 - small round epithelial cells

n.鱗狀上皮癌 - squamous epithelial carcinoma

n.尾形上皮細胞 - tail-shape epithelial cells

胸腺上皮細胞 - thymic epithelial cell

n.甲狀腺囊泡上皮細胞 - thyreoid follicle epithelial cell

n.卵巢未分類上皮瘤 - unclassified epithelial tumor of ovary

尿道上皮瘤 - urinary tract epithelial tumor

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