





n. flexor muscle


n. extensor ,extensor muscle


flexor['fleksə]n. [解]屈肌


Flexor 屈肌;莡 肌;flexor retinaculum 屈肌支持帶;肋腹褶;deep flexor 指頭因為深屈肌;flexor spasticity 屈肌痙攣;flexor synerge 屈肌協同;


1.Objective To explore the effective method for prevention of flexor tendon adhesion. 目的探討防止指屈肌腱粘連的有效方法。

2.Background: Corticosteroid injections are commonly used in the treatment of flexor tenosynovitis in adults. 背景:皮質類固醇注射是治療成年患者屈肌腱鞘炎的常用方法。

3.As techniques have improved, primary repair of flexor tendon lacerations, including zone II injuries, have become more common. 隨著技術的進步,一期修復屈肌腱撕裂傷,包括II區損傷,都變得很平常。


corssed flexor reflex - 交叉性屈曲反射

gordons reflex; paradoxic flexor reflex - 倒錯性屈肌反射

accessory flexor; musculus flexor accessorius; musculus quadratus plantae - 副屈肌

musculus flexor carpi ulnaris; ulnar flexor muscle of wrist - 尺側腕屈肌

musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis manus; short flexor muscle of little finger - 小指短屈肌

tenovaginitis of flexor digitorum - 屈指肌腱腱鞘炎

flexor reflex - 屈肌反射

flexor reflex afferents - 屈肌反射傳入

flexor reflex test - 屈肌反射試驗

flexor tetanus - 屈肌強直

flexor retinaculum; retinaculum flexorum - 屈肌支持帶

musculus flexor pollicis brevis; short flexor muscle of thumb - 拇短屈肌

tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb - 拇長伸肌腱鞘

long flexor muscle of thumb; musculus flexor pollicis longus - 拇長屈肌

flexor tendon injury of finger - 指屈肌腱損傷

tenovaginotomy of flexor tendon of fingers - 指屈肌腱腱鞘切開術

musculus flexor digitorum superficialis; superficial flwxor muscle of fingers - 指淺屈肌

deep flexor muscle of fingers; musculus flexor digitorum profundus - 指深屈肌

musculus flexor digitorum brevis; short flexor muscle of toe - 趾短屈肌

long flexor muscle of toe; musculus flexor digitorum longus - 趾長屈肌


n.副屈肌 - accessory flexor

前腕屈肌 - below-elbow flexor

n.屈肌總腱鞘 - common synovial sheath of flexor

n.交叉性屈曲反射 - corssed flexor reflex

n.指深屈肌 - deep flexor muscle of fingers

n.拇長屈肌 - long flexor muscle of thumb

n.趾長屈肌 - long flexor muscle of toe

n.副屈肌 - musculus flexor accessorius

n.尺側腕屈肌 - musculus flexor carpi ulnaris

n.小指短屈肌 - musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis manus

小趾短曲肌 - musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis pedis

n.趾短屈肌 - musculus flexor digitorum brevis

n.趾長屈肌 - musculus flexor digitorum longus

n.指深屈肌 - musculus flexor digitorum profundus

n.指淺屈肌 - musculus flexor digitorum superficialis

屈肌表層 - musculus flexor digitorum superficials

長屈肌 - musculus flexor hallucis longus

n.拇短屈肌 - musculus flexor pollicis brevis

n.拇長屈肌 - musculus flexor pollicis longus

n.倒錯性屈肌反射 - paradoxic flexor reflex

反常屈肌反射 - paradoxical flexor reflex

屈肌支持帶 - retinaculum of flexor muscles

n.小指短屈肌 - short flexor muscle of little finger

n.拇短屈肌 - short flexor muscle of thumb

n.趾短屈肌 - short flexor muscle of toe

n.拇長伸肌腱鞘 - tendinous sheath of long flexor muscle of thumb

n.屈指肌腱腱鞘炎 - tenovaginitis of flexor digitorum

n.指屈肌腱腱鞘切開術 - tenovaginotomy of flexor tendon of fingers

n.尺側腕屈肌 - ulnar flexor muscle of wrist

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