





n. depression ,effect ,feeling ,mental picture


impression[im'preʃən]n. 印象;效果,影響;壓痕,印記;感想


impression 印象;投放次數,網頁被訪問的次數;外觀;型腔;impression management 印象管理;印象操縱;印象整飾;印象整飾;impression wax 印模蠟;釋義:印模蠟;Ad Impression 廣告曝光;廣告曝光;廣告印象;廣告曝光次數;duplicate impression 複製印模;釋義:複製印模;


1.The room gave an impression of decease. 這房間給人一種死亡的印象。

2.What was your first impression of London? 你對倫敦的第一印象是什麼?

3.What is your first impression of Ocean Park? 海洋公園給你的第一印象是什麼?


What's your impression of China? - 你對中國印象如何?

His personality left a deep impression on us. - 他的人品給我留下了深刻的印象。

He made a favorable impression on her father. - 他給她的父親留下了很好的印象。

You made a favorable impression on the examiners. - 你給主考留下了很好的印象。

We formed a very favorable impression of her. - 我們對她的印象極好。

What's your impression of the United States? - 你對美國的印象如何?

A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed. - 千言萬語不如一個行動。

The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me. - 由於櫃門突然打開,它也隨之輕微搖晃起來,讓我覺得它好像馬上要跳出櫃門朝我撲過來似的。

As we were walking past a shop, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass. - 我們路過一家商店時,他將一顆鑽石使勁地往櫥窗上一按,在玻璃上留下一道深痕。

Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. - 當一隻箱子從海底被打撈上來時,甲板上人們激動不已。船員們開始認為沉船找著了,但海底沉箱內的物品證明他們弄錯了。

Although an ocean wave gives the impression of a wall of water moving in your direction, - 雖然,海浪給人的印象是一堵由水組成的牆向你壓過來,

although what impression any other civilization would thus get from us is best left unsaid. - 至於其他文明行星對我們地球會有什麼印象,還是不說為好。


upper impression tray set - 上頜印模托盤

mandibular impression tray set - 下頜印模托盤

impression tray for anteriors - 前牙印模托盤

impression material - 印模材料

impression tray - 印模盤

impression tray cleaner - 印模盤清掃劑

impression plaster - 印模石膏

impression taking - 取模

n. multiple impression die - 多模槽鍛模

nylon impression tray - 尼龍印模托盤

nylon impression tray - 尼龍線結紮

elastic impression material - 彈性印模材料

impression compound - 打樣膏

impression preparation; klatsch preparation - 按壓標本

patterned impression of muzzle - 槍口印痕

adjustable impression tray - 活動印模托盤

sodium alginate impression material - 海藻酸鈉印模材料

silicone rubber impression material - 硅橡膠印模材料

molar teeth impression tray - 磨牙印模盤

elastic impression material of cellulose ether - 纖維素醚性印模材料

impressio ligamenti崑costoclavicularis; impression of costoclavicular ligament - 肋鎖韌帶壓跡

partial impression tray - 部分印模托盤

esophageal impression of liver; impressio esophagea hepatis - 食管壓跡


n.活動印模托盤 - adjustable impression tray

n.後感覺 - after impression

海藻酸印象材 - alginate impression material

解剖壓跡,解剖印象 - anatomic impression

解剖壓跡,解剖印象 - anatomical impression

n.扁後腦,扁顱底 - basilar impression

咬合印模,咬痕 - bite impression

n.心壓跡,心臟壓跡 - cardiac impression

肝臟心壓跡 - cardiac impression of liver

洞壓跡,洞印模 - cavity impression

顎裂壓跡 - cleft palate impression

n.結腸壓跡 - colic impression

膠質印模材料,膠體壓模物質 - colloidal impression material

聯合壓跡 - combined impression

全牙印模 - complete denture impression

蓋片壓跡標本,蓋片按壓標本 - cover slip impression preparation

義齒印模面,義齒基面 - denture impression surface

指壓痕,指壓法 - digital impression

直接骨面印象,直接骨印模 - direct bone impression

n.十二指腸壓跡 - duodenal impression

n.彈性印模材料 - elastic impression material

n.纖維素醚性印模材料 - elastic impression material of cellulose ether

食管壓跡 - esophageal impression

n.食管壓跡 - esophageal impression of liver

最終印象 - final impression

n.指甲痕 - fingernail impression

機能印象 - functional impression

n.胃壓跡 - gastric impression

n.下頜印模托盤 - mandibular impression tray set

母體印痕,母性印記 - maternal impression

n.磨牙印模盤 - molar teeth impression tray

粘膜靜止印象,抑制粘液分必的影響 - mucostatic impression

咬合壓印模 - occlusal pressure impression

n.尼龍線結紮,尼龍印模托盤 - nylon impression tray

局部牙印模,部分托牙印模 - partial denture impression

n.部分印模托盤 - partial impression tray

n.槍口印痕 - patterned impression of muzzle

初步印象,前限印象 - preliminary impression

壓迫印跡,加壓印象 - pressure impression

初步印象,初印模 - primary impression

n.腎壓跡 - renal impression

橡皮底印 - rubber base impression

橡皮底印物質 - rubber base impression material

次級印象 - secondary impression

部分印象 - sectional impression

n.感覺印象 - senosry impression

n.硅橡膠印模材料 - silicone rubber impression material

初步印象,前限印象 - snap impression

n.海藻酸鈉印模材料 - sodium alginate impression material

n.腎上腺壓跡 - suprarenal impression


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