nuttinessn. 瀟灑;瘋狂
nuttiness 瘋狂;瘋狂, 瀟灑;瀟灑;flightiness folie insaneness insanity madness nuttiness 瘋狂;
1.I've also added my own little flourish, caramelized pecans, which add a crunchy nuttiness to every spoonful. 我還加上了自創的小點綴,焦糖山核桃,每一勺都會有吱嘎脆響的果仁在裡頭。
2.One of the nuttiness-es of modern biblical work is that they tell us - they tell us ad nauseam – that it matters a great deal. 當代聖經學者們中的一種謬論是,他們告訴我們–他們整天不停的告訴我們–這(文化差異)非常重要。
3.My family and I have seen Kate, 33, socially over the years, and I'm always delighted to find her unchanged by all the nuttiness that surrounds movie actors. 我的家人和我所看到33歲的凱特, 多年來她一直活躍在社會上,我總是高興地發現她沒有因圍繞在電影演員的狂熱而改變。