subfacies 亞相;metamorphic subfacies 變質亞相;staurolite kyanite subfacies 十字藍晶分相;muscovite chlorite subfacies 白雲綠泥分相;biotite chlorite subfacies 黑雲綠泥亞相;
1.Holes surface pore focus on upper and middle subfacies of effusive facies which locates in the edifice slope. 氣孔面孔率高的區城集中在距離火山口較近的斜坡處,亞相主要為噴溢相上部、中部亞相。
2.The Dawan Formation built up of alternating bioclastic limestone and shale belongs to the inner shelf subfacies. 大灣組的生物碎屑灰巖與頁岩互層屬於內陸棚亞相。
3.The shallow lake subfacies with affluent near-shore beach and bar and sand sheet is mostly developed because the water depth is shallow. 此外,淺湖近岸灘壩滑塌也可形成盆底扇復合體該時期湖泊較淺,主要發育淺湖亞相,近岸灘壩及席狀砂較豐富。