impalern. 刺穿者;插入物
Impaler 刺客;刺穿者;插入物;莫洛克神;The Impaler 穿刺者;刺穿者;Centaur Impaler 半人馬刺客;Prince Vlad the Impaler 故事將歷史上真實的弗拉德王子;Vald The Impaler 刺刑者;
1.For example, the Boneclaw Impaler has "Radiant Weakness: Loses Reach 3 until the end of this creature's next turn." 例如,骨爪穿刺者具有『光傷虛弱:失去觸及3直到該生物的下個回合結束前。』
2.to travel guides, Chindia is a place in Romania where Vlad the Impaler, a bloodthirsty 15th-century monarch who inspired the fictional Count Dracula, watched his victims put to death. 在旅遊指南中,Chindia是羅馬尼亞一處地名,15世紀時曾出過一位嗜血暴君「穿刺王弗拉德」(VladtheImpaler),他喜歡看著那些受害者被處死,後來成為小說《吸血鬼德古拉伯爵》(CountDracula)的創作靈感來源。
3.Since before Vlad the Impaler, some politicians have found the dictator's job description just too good to resist: no boss, no back talk, and often all the riches you can steal from your own people. 在刺穿者弗拉德之前,一些政治家就發現對獨裁者工作的描述如此之好以至於無人可以抗拒:沒有上司,沒有人敢反駁,而且通常可以通過搜刮民膏民脂而變得很富有。