





n. gangrene ,mortification ,sphacelus


necrosis[nə'krəusis, ne-]n. 壞死;壞疽;骨疽


necrosis 壞死;細胞壞死;實體幽靈;骨疽;Aseptic Necrosis 無菌的骨疽;無菌性壞死;無菌壞死;釋義:無菌性壞死;liquefactive necrosis 液化性壞死;液化性壞死;液化性壞死?;液化壞死;ischemic necrosis 貧血性壞死;缺血性壞死;釋義:凝固性壞死,缺血性壞死;缺血壞死;coagulation necrosis 凝固壞死;凝固性壞死;凝固性壞死;凝結性壞死;


1.Apoptosis is a different form of cell death from necrosis and an initiative cell death progress that is controlled by gene. 細胞凋亡是一種有別於細胞壞死的細胞死亡形式,是細胞在基因調控下有序死亡的過程。

2.Objective To investigate the significance of detecting tumour necrosis factor(TNF) level in the early assessment of severity of acute pancreatitis. 目的探討早期檢測急性胰腺炎血清中腫瘤壞死因子(TNF)水平對評價疾病嚴重程度的意義。

3.The brain tissue changes in mouse model with brain hemorrhage, included dropsy in different degree, inflammatory cell infiltrate, nerve cell necrosis and vascular proliferation as well as gliacyte. 大鼠模型腦出血後腦組織的改變包括血腫周圍存在不同程度的水腫、炎性細胞浸潤、神經元壞死及膠質細胞和血管增生。


fat necrosis of breast - 乳房脂肪壞死

necrosis of auditory ossicles - 聽骨壞死

necrosis virus - 壞死病毒

necrosis of larynx - 喉壞死

post-traumatic necrosis of testis - 外傷後睪丸壞死

labial necrosis of rabbits - 家兔唇壞死病

ischemic necrosis of leg - 小腿缺血性壞死

necrosis of decidua basalis - 底脫膜壞死

acute hepatic necrosis; acute liver necrosis; acute necrosis of liver - 急性肝壞死

acute necrosis of glomerulus - 急性腎小球壞死

acute necrosis of renal tubules; acute tubular necrosis - 急性腎小管壞死

ischemic necrosis of femoral head of adult - 成人股骨頭缺血性壞死

necrosis of tonsil - 扁桃體壞死

aseptic necrosis of scaphoid - 手舟骨無菌性壞死

ischemic necrosis of lunar bone - 月骨缺血性壞死

necrosis of bronchus - 支氣管壞死

subcutaneous fat necrosis of newborn - 新生兒皮下脂肪壞死

aseptic necrosis of bone; aseptic osteonecrosis - 無菌性骨壞死

waxy necrosis of striated muscle - 橫紋肌蠟樣壞死

necrosis progrediens; neorobiosis - 漸進性壞死

tobacco necrosis virus - 煙草壞死病毒

granulocytopenic necrosis of pharynx - 粒細胞減少性咽壞死

granulocytopenic necrosis of tonsil - 粒細胞減少性扁桃體壞死

central necrosis of hepatic lobule - 肝小葉中心壞死

necrosis of liver cells - 肝細胞壞死

aseptic necrosis of head of femur - 股骨頭無菌性壞死

ischemic necrosis of femoral head - 股骨頭缺血性壞死

tumor necrosis factor; tumour necrosis factor - 腫瘤壞死因子

necrosis of adrenal - 腎上腺壞死

necrosis of renal papillae; renal papillary necrosis - 腎乳頭壞死

necrosis of renal - 腎曲管壞死

necrosis forceps; scquestrum forceps - 腐骨鉗

necrosis of decidua - 蛻膜壞死

ischemic necrosis of body of talus - 距骨體缺血性壞死

necrosis progrediens; progressive sloughing - 進行性壞死

necrosis of scrotum - 陰囊壞死

necrosis of penis - 陰莖壞死

aseptic necrosis of bone - 骨無菌性壞死

ischemic necrosis of bone - 骨缺血性壞死


n.急性條件性壞死 - acute conditioned necrosis

n.急性肝壞死 - acute hepatic necrosis

n.急性肝壞死 - acute liver necrosis

n.急性腎小球壞死 - acute necrosis of glomerulus

n.急性肝壞死 - acute necrosis of liver

n.急性腎小管壞死 - acute necrosis of renal tubules

n.急性腎小管壞死 - acute tubular necrosis

n.無菌性壞死 - aseptic necrosis

n.骨無菌性壞死,無菌性骨壞死 - aseptic necrosis of bone

n.股骨頭無菌性壞死 - aseptic necrosis of head of femur

n.手舟骨無菌性壞死 - aseptic necrosis of scaphoid

n.無血管形成性壞死 - avascular necrosis

n.巴爾澤氏脂肪環死,急性胰腺炎脂肪壞死 - balsers fatty necrosis

n.骨髓壞死 - bone marrow necrosis

橋接壞死 - bridging necrosis

乾酪樣壞死 - caseation necrosis

n.乾酪性樣壞死 - caseous necrosis

n.細胞壞死 - cell necrosis

n.細胞壞死 - cellular necrosis

n.肝小葉中心壞死 - central necrosis of hepatic lobule

n.腦皮質壞死 - cerebrocortical necrosis

凝固性壞死 - coagulative necrosis

n.膠原壞死 - collagen necrosis

n.液化性壞死 - colliquative necrosis

n.囊性中層壞死,囊腫狀中層壞死 - cystic medial necrosis

n.延遲性條件壞死 - delayed conditioned necrosis

n.小腸壞死 - enteric necrosis

n.脂肪壞死 - fat necrosis

n.乳房脂肪壞死 - fat necrosis of breast

n.纖維素樣壞死 - fibrinoid necrosis

n.局灶性壞死,灶性壞死 - focal necrosis

壞死灶 - focus of necrosis

壞死形成 - formation of necrosis

n.粒細胞減少性咽壞死 - granulocytopenic necrosis of pharynx

n.粒細胞減少性扁桃體壞死 - granulocytopenic necrosis of tonsil

n.出血性壞死 - hemorrhagic necrosis

n.肝壞死 - hepatic necrosis

n.同質性壞死 - homogeneous necrosis

n.玻璃樣壞死,岑克爾氏壞死 - hyaline necrosis

n.垂體壞死 - hypophyseal necrosis

股骨端部自發環死 - idiopathic necrosis of femoral head

傳染性成血性壞死 - infectious hematopoietic necrosis

傳染性胰腺壞死 - infectious pancreatic necrosis

n.缺血性心肌壞死 - ischemic myocardial necrosis

n.缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis

n.距骨體缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of body of talus

n.骨缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of bone

n.股骨頭缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of femoral head

n.成人股骨頭缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of femoral head of adult

n.小腿缺血性壞死 - ischemic necrosis of leg

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