nonmarineadj. 非海成的
nonmarine 非海洋的;非海成的;nonmarine facies 陸相;incidental nonmarine 非海上保險;nonmarine deposit 陸相沉積;nonmarine conglomerate 非海相礫岩;
1.The environment facies and process-facies are two important contents of the nonmarine basin analysis. 兩者是陸相盆地相分析不可缺少的組成部分。
2.The Jurassic System is one of the rare oil-bearing horizons with both marine and nonmarine petroleum sources discovered in Tarim Basin up to now. 侏羅系是目前塔里木盆地所發現的為數不多的具有雙重(海相、陸相)油氣來源的含油氣層系之一。
3.Article considers that sequence stratigraphy not only can apply to nonmarine basin, but also have importance for the exploration of oil and gas in nonmarine petroliferous basin. 層序地層學不僅適用於陸相盆地,而且對陸相含油氣盆地的油氣勘探具有重要意義。