n. cam stroke ,cva ,shot ,strokingv. fondle
stroke[strəuk]n. 中風;沖程;筆畫;打擊;嘗試;輕撫vt. 撫摸;敲擊;劃尾槳;劃掉vi. [體]擊球;作尾槳手;敲擊鍵盤
Stroke 描邊;沖程;沖程,行程;中風;ground stroke 擊觸地球;擊落地球 :;打落地球;彈地球;idle stroke 空行程;空程;慢行程,空程;空轉沖程;one stroke 一行程;一次行程;一行程 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;釋義:一次行程,單行程;exhaust stroke 排氣行程;排氣沖程;排氣衡程;排汽行程;
1.He stroked the name of himself with his pen. 他用鋼筆劃掉了他自己的名字。
2.Finally, apply a Stroke Effect (#2F261D) to that image. 最後,適用於中風的影響(#2F261D)這一形象。
3.Then of course all my problems would be solved in one stroke. 然後我所有的問題理所當然地會一舉得到解決。
stroke with trismus clenched fists and coma - 中風牙關緊閉握拳昏迷
n. stroke sander - 衝擊磨光機
n. stroke adjustment - 沖程調整
n. pressure vs stroke curve - 壓力—沖程曲線
n. pressure vs stroke curve - 壓力與沖程曲線
n. uniform stroke motion - 均勻行程運動
infant heat stroke syndrome - 小兒暑熱綜合征
left ventricular stroke volume - 左心室搏出量
n. stroke sander - 往復砂光機
ventricular stroke work - 心室作功
stroke index - 心搏出指數
stroke volume - 心搏量
stroke manipulation - 推摩法
stroke volume index - 敏搏指數
stroke work - 每搏作功
stroke work index - 每搏作功指數
stroke volume - 每搏排出量
stroke output; stroke volume - 每搏量
stroke index - 每縮指數
stroke syndrome - 腦卒中後綜合征
spontanously hypentensive rat stroke prone - 腦卒中的自發性高血壓大鼠
drop percussion; drp stroke percussion - 落槌叩診
n. stroke adjustment - 行程調整
stroke in evolution; strokeinevolution - 進展性中風
stroke in evolution; strokeinevolution - 進展性發作
cold strode with yin-syndrome; cold stroke with yin stndrome; cold stroke with yinsyndrome - 陰證傷寒
n.癱瘓突發 - a paralytic stroke
n.非風,類中 - apoplectic stroke
n.類中 - apoplectiform stroke
腦,腦卒中 - cerebral stroke
n.陰證傷寒 - cold stroke with yin stndrome
n.陰證傷寒 - cold stroke with yinsyndrome
完全集中,完全卒中 - completed stroke
n.食中 - crapulent stroke
n.落槌叩診 - drp stroke percussion
有效打擊,有效搏動 - effective stroke
癲癇發作 - epileptic stroke
n.閉 - excess syndrome of stroke
n.鬼擊 - ghost stroke
n.心搏 - heart stroke
n.冒暑,熱射病 - heat stroke
迫切卒中 - impending stroke
n.小兒暑熱綜合征 - infant heat stroke syndrome
缺血性發作 - ischemic stroke
n.左心室搏出量 - left ventricular stroke volume
光射病 - light stroke
n.雷擊 - lightning stroke
n.輕度中暑 - mild heat stroke
n.癱瘓發作 - paralytic stroke
預擺,恢復性擺動 - preparatory stroke
進行性卒中,進行性發作 - progressing stroke
進行性卒中 - progressive stroke
恢復性擺動 - recovery stroke
n.重症中暑 - severe heat stroke
脊髓卒中 - spinal stroke
n.腦卒中的自發性高血壓大鼠 - spontanously hypentensive rat stroke prone
日射病 - sun stroke
n.心室作功 - ventricular stroke work
n.風懿 - wind stroke