r. linguistically
lingually['liŋɡwəli]adv. [醫]向舌
1.Each crown was divided labial-lingually and paralleling to axis of tooth into matched halves. 每顆標本從切緣中點,沿牙體長軸唇舌向對半切開,分別為實驗組和對照組。
2.Objective: To observe the difference of two methods by using Australian wires with vertical loops and using Niti wires to treat upper anterior teeth with severely lingually tipping. 目的:瞭解使用垂直曲的澳絲與鎳鈦絲在矯正上前牙嚴重舌傾的區別。
3.It should by now be obvious that this seal is more easily obtained in the upper denture than the lower, because of the greater movements of the lower border tissues, especially lingually. 至此,很顯然,由於下頜義齒邊緣尤其是舌側軟組織運動活躍,上頜義齒獲得良好邊緣封閉要較下頜容易得多。