Naegleria 耐格裡屬;納氏蟲屬;內格利蟲;格裡阿米巴;Naegleria invadens 釋義:侵襲耐格裡原蟲;Naegleria fowleri 福氏耐格裡屬阿米巴;Naegleria fowier 福氏內格裡阿米巴;
1.Inhalation-rather than ingestion-is the likely source of Naegleria fowleri infection . 吸氣——而不是嚥下——是更可能的福氏耐格原蟲傳染源頭。
2.According to the CDC, the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 200
4. CDC指出,從1995至2004年,被稱為福氏耐格裡阿米巴的原蟲在美國造成23人死亡。
3.Although fatalities have occurred from Naegleria fowleri , this free-living amoeba common to many surface water rarely causes disease . 雖然災禍因福氏耐格原蟲而發生,但在很多表層水上存在的變形蟲這種自由的生命很少造成疾病。