Online Roleplaying Game 線角色扮演遊戲;King Arthur The Roleplaying Wargame 亞瑟王;刷裝備的辦法;The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game 魔戒角色扮演遊戲;Warcraft-the roleplaying game manual of monsters 尤迪安風暴之怒;
1.In a roleplaying game, it is your character. 在街色扮演遊戲中,那就是你的角色。
2.One of the most complex Star Wars pieces completed by Edwards was the cover art for the Revised Core Rulebook of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. 愛德華茲完成的最複雜的一件《星戰》作品是《星球大戰》角色扮演遊戲的《中心規則手冊修訂版》的封面畫。
3.From 1987 to 1990, the sole publisher regularly exploring and expanding the universe of Star Wars was West End Games, creators of the first Star Wars Roleplaying Game. 1987至1990年間,西方終點遊戲公司獨自撐起探索及擴充《星球大戰》宇宙的大梁,它創造出了史上第一套《星球大戰》角色扮演遊戲。