





n. intumescence ,intumescency ,lump ,puffiness


swelling['sweliŋ]n. 腫脹;膨脹;增大;漲水adj. 膨脹的;腫大的;突起的v. 腫脹;膨脹;增多;趾高氣揚(swell的ing形式)


swelling 腫脹;膨脹;溶脹;膨潤;swelling soil 膨脹土;膨脹性土壤;膨脹土 房屋地政;swelling heat 膨潤熱;膨脹熱,膨潤熱;swelling binder 助黏劑,膨脹性粘結劑;助黏劑.膨脹性粘結劑;swelling degree 溶脹度;膨脹度;


1.At the extremity of the grave, on a little swelling which marked the head. 在那墳隆起的一端,也就是死者頭部所在處,有個木十字架。

2.For infection. If you notice signs of infection such as swelling, redness, increased pain or oozing, see your doctor immediately. 感染。如果你注意到一些感染的症狀,例如腫脹、發紅、痛楚增加或者滲液,馬上去看醫生。

3.METHOD Compare the auricle and footpad swelling, as well as the volume of bile, before and after administration of the alcohol extract of Aucklandiae. (AAE). 方法比較木香醇提取物對小鼠給藥前後耳廓、足跖炎性腫脹的變化及大鼠給藥前後膽汁流量的影響。


Telling your troubles is swelling your troubles. - 訴說煩惱等於增加煩惱。


swelling of breast - 乳腫

five kinds of swelling with unfavorable prognosis - 五腫惡候

swelling with bearing-down pain of one testis - 偏墜

swelling of replanted limb - 再植肢體腫脹

abrupt pain and swelling of testes - 卒疝

redness and swelling of throat - 嗓子紅腫

indurated swelling of scrotum - 外腎腫硬

swelling of vulva - 子戶腫脹

antiadoncus; swelling of tonsil - 扁桃體腫大

swelling of testes; swollen painless tesicles - 木腎

swelling around the anus - 沿肛痔

swelling capacity - 泡脹度

swelling ratio - 泡脹率

detumescence; promoting the subsidenc of swelling; subsidence of swelling or detumescence; the subsidence of a swelling - 消腫

subduing swelling and detoxicating - 消腫解毒

relleving swelling and redness of the eye - 消腫退紅

swelling of the lower eyelids - 目下有臥蠶

swelling of the lower eyelids - 目下腫

conjunctive congeston with swelling and pain - 目赤腫痛

reddening and swelling of mucosa - 粘膜紅腫

swelling index; swellingindex - 腫脹指數

swelling pain - 腫脹痛

the swelling is disappearing gradually - 腫脹逐漸消退了

distending pain; swollen pain swelling pain - 脹痛

pneumococcus capsule swelling test - 肺炎球菌莢膜腫脹試驗

swelling subsides - 腫塊消失

early stage of pyogenic infection of skin; painful swelling on the body surface - 腫瘍

scrotal swelling in neonate - 胎疝

palpebral edema; palpebraledema; swelling of the eyelid - 胞腫

sever palpebral edema; severe swelling of eyelid - 胞腫如桃

abdominal swelling and pain - 脘腹脹痛

swelling of parotid gland - 腮腺腫脹

swelling index; swellingindex - 膨脹指數

enlargement of the tongue; glossocele; glossoncus; swelling of the tongue - 舌腫

capsular swelling test - 莢膜膨脹試驗

swelling of vulva - 陰腫

swelling of the meck - 頸項腫大

swelling of the scrotum - 頹疝

medullary swelling stage - 髓樣腫脹期

swelling and pain o the glans penis; swelling and pain of the glans penis - 龜頭腫痛

swelling of nasopharyngeal fossa - 鼻咽窩腫腹脹

swelling of the nose - 鼻腫


n.脘腹脹痛 - abdominal swelling and pain

n.卒疝 - abrupt pain and swelling of testes

n.蛋白樣變性 - albuminous degeneration cloudy swelling

n.白蛋白性腫脹 - albuminous swelling

披裂突 - arytenoid swelling

腦腫脹 - brain swelling

莢膜膨脹反應 - capsular swelling reaction

n.莢膜膨脹試驗 - capsular swelling test

腦腫脹 - cerebral swelling

n.混濁腫脹,濁腫 - cloudy swelling

n.目赤腫痛 - conjunctive congeston with swelling and pain

n.溶脹度 - degree of swelling

n.瀰漫性膿腫 - diffuse swelling

水腫性腫漲,水腫性腫脹 - edematous swelling

n.內皮細胞腫脹 - endotheliocytic swelling

n.熱勝則腫 - excessive heat bringing about swelling

臉部腫脹 - facial swelling

纖維素樣腫脹,纖維蛋白樣的 - fibrinoid swelling

n.五腫惡候 - five kinds of swelling with unfavorable prognosis

n.短時性腫脹 - fugitive swelling

生殖突,生殖隆起 - genital swelling

n.高度腫大 - heavy swelling

n.外腎腫硬 - indurated swelling of scrotum

n.無名腫毒 - innominate toxic swelling

n.陰唇陰囊突 - labioscrotal swelling

n.淚囊紅腫 - lacrimal redness and swelling

n.側舌突 - lateral lingual swelling

n.乳房脹,乳房腫脹 - mammary swelling

n.髓樣腫脹 - medullary swelling

n.髓樣腫脹期 - medullary swelling stage

n.中度腫大 - moderate swelling

n.麻木腫脹 - numbness and swelling

n.腫瘍 - painful swelling on the body surface

n.肺炎球菌莢膜腫脹試驗 - pneumococcus capsule swelling test

n.消腫 - promoting the subsidenc of swelling

n.粘膜紅腫 - reddening and swelling of mucosa

n.嗓子紅腫 - redness and swelling of throat

n.利咽消腫 - reducing pharyngeal swelling

n.利咽消腫 - relieving sore-throat and diminishing swelling

n.消腫退紅 - relleving swelling and redness of the eye

n.攻堅散結 - resolivng mass and swelling

n.唾液腺腫脹症 - salivary glands swelling

n.陰囊隆突,陰囊突 - scrotal swelling

n.胎疝 - scrotal swelling in neonate

n.胞腫如桃 - severe swelling of eyelid

n.消腫解毒 - subduing swelling and detoxicating

n.消腫 - subsidence of swelling

n.消腫 - subsidence of swelling or detumescence

n.脹痛 - swollen pain swelling pain

n.消腫 - the subsidence of a swelling

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