





n. cutaneous senses ,ghost ,signature ,touchingv. come to ,contact ,impact ,stir


touch[tʌtʃ]vt. 接觸;觸動;使輕度受害vi. 觸摸;涉及;接近;提到n. 接觸;觸覺;格調;少許


Touch 棒球英豪;觸,壓,按;擁抱我;接觸;in touch 聯繫,接觸;與…聯繫;球越過球門線;有...的附近;touch down 落地;降落;著陸;持球觸地;touch off 觸發;開(炮等);爆炸;開(炮等);Touch sens 鍵盤樂器指觸的觸感;


1.She fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow. 她頭一挨枕頭就睡著了。

2.Use email to keep in touch with visitors. 使用電子郵件和訪問者保持聯繫。

3.Would you touch me? 你會和我接觸嗎?


How can I get in touch with you? - 我怎樣和你聯繫呢?

I keep in touch with my family regularly. - 我定期和家裡保持聯繫。

My mother has a touch of the flu. - 我媽得流感了。

I could almost touch it. - 我幾乎可以摸到它。

No way! I wouldn't touch that in any case. Don't push me! - 絕不!我無論如何都不會去碰它,別逼我!

How can I get in touch with you? - 我要怎樣聯絡你呢?

Are you in touch with him now? - 你現在和他有聯繫嗎?

He is now out of touch with his old friends. - 他現在已經沒有和他過去的朋友聯繫了。

I try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers. - 我經常讀報以盡量瞭解時事。

Hey you! Don't touch that picture! - 喂,你!別碰那幅畫!

Do you like the soft touch of snowflakes on your face? - 你喜歡柔軟的雪花觸到臉上時的感覺嗎?

Please do not touch the wet paint. - 油漆未干,請勿觸摸。

John would like to touch some of the sculpture in the art gallery. - 約翰想觸摸幾件美術館的雕刻。

In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects. - 在工作上,阿爾博特會接觸到許多美麗的事物。

The baby liked to feel the touch of her shiny, new toy. - 小寶寶喜歡新玩具閃閃發光的觸感。

How can I get in touch with you? - 我怎樣能跟你聯絡上?

My father was shocked.Now we are not allowed to touch it. - 我父親大為吃驚,不許我們再動它。

Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with their closest relatives. - 與此同時,兩個小時以前放下井去的一隻麥克風使井下的人可以與其親屬保持聯繫。

'Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous!' - 「切勿觸摸展品,某些展品有危險!」

They went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing, as they did not want to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints. - 他倆搜遍這每一個房間,小心翼翼地不接觸任何東西,因為他們怕妨礙警察尋找指紋。

tap water that is too hot to touch can be left to cool and is generally safe to drink. - 水管中流出的燙手的水可以留下來冷卻。這種水一般是安全的。

Please don't touch the machines. - 請不要摸這些機器。

If you touch them you may break something or have an accident and hurt yourselves. - 如果你用手摸它們,也許你會搞壞機器,或者會發生事故,打傷你自己。

Don't touch anything unless your teacher tells you to. - 除非老師允許,否則你不要動任何東西。

She also brought me into touch with everything that could be felt--- soil, wood, silk. As I look back upon those years, I am struck by Annie's wisdom. - 她還使我接觸到一切可以觸摸到的東西--土壤、木頭、絲綢等。


n. touch type electrode - 接觸式電極

n. touch up - 最後檢修作業

n. touch up - 潤色

touch receptor - 觸感受器

touch spot - 觸點

corpuscula tactus; corpusculatactus; touch cells; touch corpuscle - 觸細胞

touch dome - 觸覺圓頂

touch threshold - 觸覺閾


兩觸點判別法 - dual touch spots difference limen

觸摸幻覺 - hallucination of touch

觸器 - organ of touch

n.直腸指診 - rectal touch

接觸感,觸覺 - sense of touch

n.陰道直指診 - vaginal touch


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