WALN 無線局域網;波形平均干擾電平;無線區域網路;無線局域網絡;
1.Husband and wife waln to the park after dinner, her husband accidentally slipped, he stood up and scolded him angrily: "That blood street! Light can not it?"" 老公與老婆晚飯後去公園散步,老公不慎滑了一跤,他站起身後氣憤地罵道:「這該死的路燈。就不能再亮一點嗎?」
2.And the snails with the occasional waln, ou will usually find that man did not notice the beaut. Their wa of life can not always rush, it will mane ou miss a lot. 偶爾與蝸牛一起散散步,你一定會發現許多平時沒有注意到的美麗。人生不能一味匆匆趕路,那會使你錯過很多東西。