Business confidence appreciated steadily 企業家信心穩中有升;Asserting Yourself with Confidence 自信的自我表述;belittle oneself lack self-confidence 自輕自賤;aerobatic confidence maneuvers 特技信心動作;confidence 自信;信任,信用;置信度;相信;
1.In the face of the social environment, we have every confidence in the expression gesture of self-confidence, self-confidence of the speech can be a real psychological training in our self-confidence. 面對社會環境,我們每一個自信的表情、自信的手勢、自信的言語都能真正在心理中培養起我們的自信。
2."Confidence is always a difficult thing for me. I always feel a little bit difficult to feel complete confidence myself. " ——Paul Potts. 「信心對我來說總是一件困難的事情,要讓自己充滿信心總覺得有點困難。」——保羅。
3.Friends say that he lost confidence, as can happen quickly to a man caught up in a confidence game. 朋友們說,他很快就失去了信心,而在一個靠信心和信任支撐的環境中這是常見的。
4.JAFF: My advantage is my confidence, as long as I can have confidence in the victory. 我的優勢就是我的信心,只要有信心我就能勝利。
5.Once you kill off confidence, it takes a long time to rebuild that confidence. 一旦你失去了信心,你需要花很長時間來重建它們。
Lacks confidence and poise is nervous and ill at ease. - 信心不足,不夠自信,精神緊張,心神不定。
We have confidence in your bamboo wares. - 我們對貴方的竹製品質量充滿信心。
I have confidence in myself. - 我對自己頗具信心。
His confidence can be destroyed by a harsh word. - 他的信念,只要受到嚴厲的批評就會崩潰。
Skill and confidence are an unconquered army. - 技能和信心是不可克服的軍隊。
During that time she so gained my aunt's confidence that she was put in charge of the domestic staff. - 在此期間,她贏得了姑母的賞識,甚至當上了大管家。
our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs. - 我們對瓶裝藥品療效的信心仍與祖輩一樣堅定。
confidence interval; confidenceinterval - 可信區間
confidence interval; confidence limit; confidenceinterval - 可信限
confidence interval; confidenceinterval - 置信區間
confidence limit - 置信界限
confidence level - 置信程度