cummin['kʌmin]n. 枯茗;孜然芹(等於cumin)
Cummin 芹菜;小茴香屬(繖形花科);大茴香;小茴香屬(傘形花科);cumin cummin 孜然芹枯茗;孜然芹;枯茗;cummin seed 小茴香子;GRILLED LAMB CHOP IN CUMMIN 孜然扒羊排;
1.Spices: Rosemary, cummin, freshly ground pepper, salt, all of equal amount. 迷迭香、孜然粉、碎胡椒、鹽,各等量。當然還有羊肉排。
2.For you pay tithes of mint and dill and cummin, and you have left undone the weightier matters of the Law, judgment, mercy, and faith. 因為你們將薄荷、茴香、芹菜,獻上十分之一,那律法上更重的事,就是公義、憐憫、信實,反倒不行了。
3.Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over cummin; caraway is beaten out with a rod, and cummin with a stick. 原來打小茴香、不用尖利的器具、軋大茴香、也不用碌碡.〔原文作車輪下同〕但用杖打小茴香、用棍打大茴香。