decollementn. 滑脫構造;脫頂褶皺;剝離術;剝離
decollement 髒掐除術;脫頂構造;脫卸作用;剝離 剝離術 脫頂構造 滑脫構造;decollement scissors 釋義:粘連剝離剪;decollement structure 滑脫構造;decollement nappe 脫頂推復體;滑脫推覆體;decollement horizon 滑脫逆掩層位;
1.During the Indo-Chinese movement, the area has mainly experienced decollement; 在印支運動期間,研究區主要經歷的是滑脫構造變形;
2.Gaobei Syncline is major fold, a lot of secondary fault later period Indo-China play a control role to mine area mainly formed three decollement fault. 對礦區起控制作用的斷層是滑覆斷層。印支晚期主要形成三條滑覆斷層;燕山早期形成高陂向斜;燕山中晚期形成南北邊界逆斷層,形成了高陂向斜南高北低格局。
3.It is noted that this depth is the location of decollement of these areas, so the accumulated stress can be released during aftershocks of Chi-Chi earthquake. 此深度是該區地體構造上主滑脫面的位置,在集集大地震餘震序列中主滑脫面的大量地震活動,使得累積應力獲得釋放。