





apical['æpikəl]adj. 頂上的;頂點的n. [語音]舌尖音


apical 尖,尖端,頂點;頂端的;頂上的;頂點的;apical dominance 頂端優勢;頂端顯性;頂芽優勢;頂梢優勢;apical cell 頂端細胞;頂細胞;頂尖細胞;頂端分生細胞:分生組織中單一的始原細胞;apical syst 根尖囊腫;apical bud 頂芽;


1.Sepal apex without an apical appendage. 萼片先端沒有一頂端附屬物。

2.Objective: to report the results of microsurgical treatment for 21 cases of benign tumors at the apical petrous and upper-clival regions. 目的:介紹21例巖骨尖上斜坡區良性腫瘤的顯微外科治療結果,就其手術入路進行討論。

3.Of or relating to a type of glandular secretion in which the apical portion of the secreting cell is released along with the secretory products. 產生一種完全是水合成的分泌物,而不釋放分泌細胞的部分組織;具有調節身體溫度的重要作用。


apical segment of upper lobe; segmentum apicale lobi superioris - 上葉尖段

inferior lobar apical branch; ramus apicalis lobi inferior - 下葉尖支

suppurative apical spercementitis - 化膿性根尖周膜炎

acute apical periodontal abscess; periapical abscess - 尖周膿腫

apical branch; ramus apicalis - 尖支

apical lymph nodes; nodilymphatici apicales - 尖稜結晶

apical bronchus; bronchus segmentalis apicalis - 尖段支氣管

apical lymph nodes; nodilymphatici apicales - 尖淋巴結

apical granuloma - 尖肉芽腫

cardiac apical incesure; incisura apicis cordis - 心尖切跡

apex area of heart; apical region of heart - 心尖區

diminution of apical impulse - 心尖搏動減弱

intensification kof apical impulse - 心尖搏動增強

acute suppurative apical periodontitis - 急性化膿性根尖周圍炎

acute apical pericementitis; acute apical periodontitis - 急性根尖周圍炎

acute serous apical periodontitis - 急性漿液性根尖周圍炎

acute serous apical pericementitis - 急性漿液性根尖炎

chronic apical periodontitis - 慢性根尖牙周炎

chronic apical abscess - 慢生根尖膿腫

apical periodontitis; periapical inflammation - 根尖周圍炎

apical firamen of tooth; foramen apicis dentis - 根尖孔

apex elevator; apical elevator - 根尖挺

apical periodontitis - 根尖牙周炎

apical fistula - 根尖瘺管

apical fibers - 根尖纖維

apical granuloma - 根尖肉芽腫

serous apical pericementitis - 漿液性根尖牙周膜炎

apical perriodontal abscess; preapcalabscess - 牙根尖周膿腫

apical foramen of tooth; foramen apicis dentis - 牙根尖孔

anterior lingual glands; apical glands of tongue; glandulae linguales anteriores - 舌尖腺

apical vesicle - 頂泌小泡

apical canaliculus - 頂泌小管

apical meristem - 頂端分生組織

apical cell - 頂端細胞

apical dental ligament; ligamentum apicis dentis - 齒突尖韌帶


n.急性根尖周圍炎 - acute apical pericementitis

n.尖周膿腫 - acute apical periodontal abscess

n.急性根尖周圍炎 - acute apical periodontitis

n.急性漿液性根尖炎 - acute serous apical pericementitis

n.急性漿液性根尖周圍炎 - acute serous apical periodontitis

n.急性化膿性根尖周圍炎 - acute suppurative apical periodontitis

n.心尖切跡 - cardiac apical incesure

n.慢生根尖膿腫 - chronic apical abscess

n.慢性根尖牙周炎 - chronic apical periodontitis

n.心尖搏動減弱 - diminution of apical impulse

n.下葉尖支 - inferior lobar apical branch

n.心尖搏動增強 - intensification kof apical impulse

n.漿液性根尖牙周膜炎 - serous apical pericementitis

n.化膿性根尖周膜炎 - suppurative apical spercementitis

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