maggyadj. 低質的
maggy 低質的;瑪吉;鄭淑穎;圖片;Maggy and Luca 和圖片;
1.Judged from coal rank, combustion characteristics and kinetic analyzing results, the stone coal should be classed as a high rank and maggy anthracite coal. 從燃燒特性參數和反應動力學參數判斷,石煤屬於高變質的無煙煤。
2.From the coal rank and the combustion characteristics and kinetic analyzing results, the stone coal should be classed as a high rank and maggy anthracite coal. 根據煤階和燃燒特性及動力學分析判斷,石煤屬於高變質的劣質無煙煤。
3.The only thing that can be a problem is if Maggy throws a fireball directly in front of himself. If he does, just pull your pet back and wait till the fire subsides. 唯一要注意的小問題是如果狗王在他面前噴出一個大火球,那麼要馬上讓寵物回來,等火球消失了再上去。