relativesn. 親屬;[語法學]關係詞(relative的複數)
relatives 親屬;親戚;關係詞;相對;link relatives 鏈環關係;環比;lineal relatives 直系血親;distant relatives 遠親;see relatives 探親;
1.We camped her with relatives. 我們讓她暫住親戚家。
2.Do you get along with all your relatives? 你和你所有的親戚都處得來嗎?
3.He has some relatives there that I could visit. 他有些親戚在那裡,我可以去拜訪他們。
People are busy shopping and wrapping presents for relatives and friends before Christmas Eve. - 在聖誕節前夜,人們忙著為親朋好友買東西、包禮物。
are visiting relatives in New Jersey today. - 今天去 New Jersey拜訪親戚去了。
She says she loves me, but my relatives say she is just after my money. - 她說她愛我,但是我的親友說她只是想要我的錢。
People go to visit their parents, relatives and friends. - 人們出門探望父母、親威和朋友。
Things owned for a long time are full associations with the past, perhaps with relatives who are dead, - 東西擱得時間久了,便會充滿著與過去歲月的聯繫,比方說與死去的親戚有關。
n.旁系親屬 - collateral relatives
n.母系親屬 - matritineal relatives
n.第一級親屬 - primary relatives