n. aerial tramway ,cable tramway ,streetcar track ,tramline
tramway['træmwei]n. 電車;電車軌道
tramway 電車軌道;有軌電車;有軌電車道;吊車死;electric tramway 電車道;wire tramway 架空死;Christchurch Tramway 復古電車;基督城懷舊電車;cable tramway 纜車道;纜索電車道;架空索道;
1.A great way to experience some of the historic buildings and culture of the Garden City is by taking the Christchurch Tramway. 要體驗這座花園城市的一些有歷史意義的建築與文化,搭乘基督城的有軌電車是個很好的方式。
2.There is also a tramway serving as a local distributor on the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island and a funicular tramway running between Central (Garden Road) and the Peak. 另外,還有作為區域性運輸系統而行走於港島北岸的電車,以及連接港島中區花園道和山頂的纜車。
3.It's a tourist trap now, with a minimal gift shop next to the highway and a cable tramway that will take you ($16) down to where the restaurant, fudge shop, and real souvenirs could be found. 這是一個旅遊陷阱現在,以最小的禮品店旁邊的公路和索道纜車將帶您(16美元)下降到那裡的餐廳,矇混店,和真正的紀念品可以找到。