





n. evilness ,immorality ,iniquity ,wickednessa. harmful ,injurious ,malefic ,vicious


n. good ,goodnessa. good


evil['i:vəl]adj. 邪惡的;不幸的;有害的;討厭的n. 罪惡,邪惡;不幸


evil 邪惡的;(疾)病;弊病;邪惡地;Resident Evil 生化危機;惡靈古堡;生化危機1;生化危機官方小說;Evil Invasion 邪靈入侵;evil eye 狠毒的目光;紅眼。;邪惡之眼;凶眼;evil angel 惡天使;魔鬼天使;惡魔天使;邪惡天使;


1.The path down to evil is easy. 墮入罪惡的道路是容易走的。

2.I have an evil soul be hide my life. 我有一個邪惡靈魂潛藏在生活當中。

3.Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil. 野心不僅是罪惡的根源,同時也是毀滅的根源。


A good lawyer,an evil neighbour. - 好律師不是好鄰居。

He that returns good for evil obtains the victory. - 以德報怨的人得到勝利。

He who does no good, does evil enough. - 好事不做,壞事做絕。

Idleness is the root (or mother) of all evil (or sin or vice). - 懶惰是萬惡之源。

It is an evil sign to see a fox lick a lamb. - 狐狸舔羔羊,不是好跡象。

It is an evil sign too see a fox lick a lamb. - 狐狸舔羔羊,這是凶跡象。

Many good cows have evil calves. - 很多好母牛,會生壞小犢。

Of evil grain,no good seed can come. - 壞谷無好種。

Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. - 一天的不幸已夠人受的了,別再自尋煩惱。

The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. - 重傷可治,臭名難除。

The path down to evil is easy. - 墮入罪惡的道路是容易走的。

He dare not tell us his evil conduct. - 他不敢告訴我們他的惡行。

The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. - 該樹是50年前栽在教堂附近的,但只是近幾年才得到了一個壞名聲。

if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion, or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us. - 如果某種玄妙事物的暗示不是消化不良引起的邪惡情緒,也不是魔鬼為了捉弄我們,使我們發狂而送給我們的邪念,


mountainous evil air - 山嵐

mountainous evil air - 山嵐梅葉

mountainous evil air - 山嵐瘴氣

evil thought - 惡念

expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature; expelling pathogenic cold and dampness - 溫寒化濕

damp evil; dampevil; evil wetness - 濕濁

damp evil; dampevil; dmp pathogen; evil wetness; pathogenic dampness - 濕邪

Evil heat is accumulated in the bladder; accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder; evil heat accumulated in the bladder - 熱結膀胱

accumulated evil heat - 瘀熱

eliminate evil factors and support healthy energy - 祛邪扶正

expel wind and cold; expel wind evil and clear away cold - 祛風散寒

eliminate wetness evil with fragrant durgs; eliminating dampness with aromatics; removing dampness by means of aromatics - 芳香化濁

domination of evil heat in the blood system; excessive heat in the blood system - 血分熱盛

evil wind; harmful wid; harmful wind or evil wind - 賊風


n.寒積腹痛 - abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil

n.瘀熱 - accumulated evil heat

n.寒濕凝滯經閉 - amenorrhea due to stagnation of cold wetness evil

n.類中風 - apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil

n.暑癇 - convulsive seizure by summer-heat evil

n.風熱咳嗽 - cough due to wind-heat evil

n.濕邪,濕濁 - damp evil

n.中暑眩暈 - dizziness caused by summer-heat evil

n.血分熱盛 - domination of evil heat in the blood system

n.祛邪扶正 - eliminate evil factors and support healthy energy

n.芳香化濁 - eliminate wetness evil with fragrant durgs

n.溫寒化濕 - expel etness-cold evil with drugs of warm nature

n.祛風散寒 - expel wind evil and clear away cold

n.火邪,邪火 - fire evil

n.賊風 - harmful wind or evil wind

淋巴結結核,瘰疬 - king's evil

n.風濕腰痛 - lumbago due to wind-wetness evil

n.山嵐,山嵐梅葉 - mountainous evil air

n.氣腫性炭疽 - quater evil

邪惡根源 - root of evil

n.溫熱之邪 - warm-heat evil

n.風熱邪氣 - wind-heat evil


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