





n. bowel ,gut


intestine[in'testin]adj. 內部的;國內的n. 腸


intestine 內部的;國內的;腸子;腸〔總稱;small intestine 小腸;小腸:;第五節 小腸;腸子;beef intestine 牛腸;fore intestine 前腸;segmented intestine 結腸;


1.Absorption and mechanism of mostly nutrients in small intestine. 主要營養物質在小腸內的吸收及機制。

2.Tissue, Section, Human Disease, Liver Cirrhosis, Small intestine, Jejunum (Frozen. 組織,切片,病人,肝硬化,小腸,空腸(冰凍切片。

3.Colonoscopy Visual examination of the large intestine to diagnose and treat for colon cancer. 結腸鏡檢查一種視查大腸,以診斷和治療結腸癌的檢查。


tachangshu; the Large Intestine Shu - 大腸俞

Large Intestine Meridian - 大腸經

hsiaochangshu; small intestine shu - 小腸俞

cough accompanied by flatulence; xmall intestine cough - 小腸咳

the small intestine channel - 小腸經

the Small Intestine Meridian of Hand-Taiyang - 手太陽小腸經

impair intestine vessels - 損傷腸絡

astringing intestine to correct diarrhea - 澀腸

heaheat threatening the large intestine; invasion of the large intestine by heat - 熱迫大腸

intestine camera - 腸照相機


n.小腸粘連 - adhesion of small intestine

n.小腸過敏性紫癜 - anaphylactoid purpura of small intestine

n.大腸虛寒 - asthenia-cold of large intestine

n.大腸虛 - asthenia of large intestine

n.澀腸 - astringing intestine to correct diarrhea

鰓分節 - branchial intestine

n.大腸癌 - carcinoma of large intestine

n.先天性腸閉鎖 - congenital atresia of intestine

n.先天性小腸閉鎖 - congenital atresia of small intestine

n.先天性腸旋轉不良 - congenital malrotation of intestine

n.先天性小腸狹窄 - congenital stricture of small intestine

n.大腸熱結 - constipation due to heat in large intestine

n.大腸濕熱 - dampness and heat in the lare intestine

n.腸減壓術 - decompression of intestine

n.大腸液虧 - deficiency of fluid in large intestine

n.腸重複畸形 - double intestine

n.大腸病 - disease of large intestine

n.小腸病 - disorder of the small intestine

n.小腸憩室炎 - diverticulitis of small intestine

n.小腸憩室 - diverticulum of small intestine

n.空腸 - empty intestine

n.胃家實 - excess symdrome of the stomach and intestine

n.胃家實 - excess syndrome of the stomach and intestine

n.小腸實熱 - excessive head in the small intestine

n.小腸實熱 - excessive heat in the small intestine

n.腸外置術 - exteriorization of intestine

n.小腸纖維瘤 - fibroma of small intestine

n.大腸脹 - flatulence of large intestine

n.小腸脹 - flatulence of the small intestine

n.前腸 - fore intestine

n.腸內異物 - foreign body in intestine

n.腸壞疽 - gangrene of intestine

n.小腸肉芽腫 - granuloma of small intestine

n.熱迫大腸 - heaheat threatening the large intestine

n.小腸疝形成 - herniation of intestine

n.後腸 - hind intestine

n.增生型腸結核 - hyperplastic tuberculosis of intestine

n.腸蠕動遲緩 - hypoperistalsis of intestine

n.糖衣腸 - iced intestine

n.損傷腸絡 - impair intestine vessels

n.小腸損傷 - injury of small intestine

n.熱迫大腸 - invasion of the large intestine by heat

n.傳導之官,大腸 - large intestine

大腸腺樣腫脹 - large intestine adenoid tumor

大腸癌 - large intestine cancer

n.大腸經 - Large Intestine Meridian

大腸粘液分泌膜 - large intestine mucous membrane

大腸粘液分泌膜免疫系統 - large intestine mucous membrane immune system

大腸腫脹 - large intestine tumor

腸運動定律 - law of intestine


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