kolkhoz[kɔl'hɔ:z]n. 蘇聯的集體農莊
kolkhoz 蘇農莊;集體農場;蘇聯的集體農場;蘇聯的集體農莊;buralar kolkhoz mu sovkho 吉他搖滾;工業金屬;
1.And with a wry laugh, he sums up the collectivisation in which millions of Ukrainians perished: "They told us the kolkhoz was not obligatory." 他露出一抹諷刺苦笑,總結有數百萬烏克蘭人慘死的「集體化」說︰「他們告訴我們,集體農場不是強制措施,但你就是必須照做。」
2."Those Russians promised us all sorts of things -- tractors, combines, cars when they were setting up their kolkhoz (collective farm), " he said. 「那些俄國人成立集體農場時,承諾給我們各種東西—拖拉機、聯合收割機與車子等,」他說。
3.And with a wry laugh, he sums up the collectivisation in which millions of Ukrainians perished: "They told us the kolkhoz was not obligatory. But you had to do it." 他露出一抹諷刺苦笑,總結有數百萬烏克蘭人慘死的「集體化」說︰「他們告訴我們,集體農場不是強制措施,但你就是必須照做。」