





a. clogging ,hindering ,impeding


obstructive[əb'strʌktiv, ɔb-]adj. 阻礙的;妨礙的n. 妨礙物;障礙物


obstructive 阻塞性;妨礙的;梗阻性;妨害的;obstructive jaundice 梗阻性黃疸;阻塞性黃疸;阻塞性黃疸,梗阻性黃疸;釋義:阻塞性黃疸,梗阻性黃疸;obstructive phlebitis 釋義:閉塞性靜脈炎;obstructive breathing 阻塞性呼吸;obstructive rays 釋義:阻止線;


1.Objective To estimate the differential diagnosis value of Color Doppler Ultrasound to obstructive jaundice. 目的探討彩色多普勒超聲對梗阻性黃疸的鑒別診斷價值。

2.Objective To study the nursing of patients with obstructive jaundice by distortion of biliary tract after ultimate resection of right liver. 目的探討肝癌右三葉切除術後殘餘左外葉肥大致膽管扭曲致梗阻性黃疸的臨床護理。

3.Objective To explore the prevention and management of complications during the perioperative period of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). 目的總結阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣綜合征(OSAHS)患者圍手術期併發症的預防及處理。


obstructive disorders of superior vena cava - 上腔靜脈梗阻性疾病

obstructive asphyxia - 堵塞性窒息

obstructive ileus; occlusive ileus - 堵塞性腸梗阻

treating obstructive diseases by tonfication; treating obstructive diseases by tonification - 塞因塞用

obstructive edema of glottis - 聲門梗阻性水腫

diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome - 瀰漫性阻塞性肺綜合征

diffuse obstructive lung disease - 瀰漫性阻塞性肺部疾患

acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis - 急性梗阻性化膿性膽管炎

infective obstructive edema of glottis - 感染性聲門梗阻性水腫

chronic obstructive emphysema - 慢性陰塞性肺部疾病

chronic obstructive pneumonia; chronic obstructive pulmonary emphesema - 慢性阻塞性肺氣腫

chronic obstructive pneumonia - 慢性阻塞性肺炎

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - 慢性阻塞性肺病

chronic obstructive lung disease - 慢性阻塞性肺部疾患

obstructive cardiomyopathy; obstructive myocardiosis - 梗阻型心肌病

obstructive dysphagia - 梗阻性吞嚥困難

obstructive dyspnea - 梗阻性呼吸困難

obstructive respiratory arrest - 梗阻性呼吸暫停

obstructive dysmenorrhea - 梗阻性痛經

obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - 梗阻性肥厚性心肌病

obstructive jaundice - 梗阻性黃疸

extrahepatic obstructive biliary cirrhosis - 肝外膽管阻塞性膽汁性肝硬變

hypertrophic obstructive primary cardiomyopathy - 肥厚性梗阻型原發性心肌病

hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy - 肥厚性梗阻型心肌病

colic due to gallstone ileus; intestinal obstructive colic due to gallstone - 膽石性腸梗阻絞痛

ureteral obstructive atrophy of kidney - 輸尿管梗阻性腎萎縮

obstructive airway disease - 阻塞性氣道疾病

obstructive appendicitis - 阻塞性闌尾炎

obstructive jaundice - 阻塞性黃疸

obstructive index - 阻塞指數

obstructive rays - 阻止線

obstruction factor; obstructive factor - 阻礙因數

obliterationg phlibitis; obstructive phlibitis - 閉塞性靜脈炎


n.急性梗阻性化膿性膽管炎 - acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis

n.慢性陰塞性肺部疾病 - chronic obstructive emphysema

n.慢性阻塞性肺部疾患 - chronic obstructive lung disease

n.慢性阻塞性肺氣腫,慢性阻塞性肺炎 - chronic obstructive pneumonia

n.慢性阻塞性肺病 - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

n.慢性阻塞性肺氣腫 - chronic obstructive pulmonary emphesema

n.瀰漫性阻塞性肺部疾患 - diffuse obstructive lung disease

n.瀰漫性阻塞性肺綜合征 - diffuse obstructive pulmonary syndrome

n.肝外膽管阻塞性膽汁性肝硬變 - extrahepatic obstructive biliary cirrhosis

肝外閉塞性黃疸 - extrahepatic obstructive jaundice

肥厚性梗阻型心肌病 - hypertrophic obstructive cardiomegaly

n.肥厚性梗阻型心肌病 - hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

n.肥厚性梗阻型原發性心肌病 - hypertrophic obstructive primary cardiomyopathy

n.感染性聲門梗阻性水腫 - infective obstructive edema of glottis

n.膽石性腸梗阻絞痛 - intestinal obstructive colic due to gallstone

肝內閉塞性黃疸 - intrahepatic obstructive jaundice

n.塞因塞用 - treating obstructive diseases by tonfication

n.塞因塞用 - treating obstructive diseases by tonification

n.輸尿管梗阻性腎萎縮 - ureteral obstructive atrophy of kidney

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