moneybag['mʌnibæɡ]n. 錢袋;財富
moneybag 錢袋;富翁;moneybag pocketbook 錢袋;lean on a moneybag 傍大款;fortune mammon money moneybag riches silver spoon treasure wealth 財富;
1.And cover closely in investor moneybag during, do as good as so at " slow fire suffers " . 而在投資者緊捂錢袋之際,這樣做無異於「慢火煎熬」。
2.A merchant had done well at the fair. He had sold all his wares, and filled his moneybag with gold and silver. 一個商人在集市上生意紅火,他賣完了所有的貨,錢袋裝得滿滿的。
3.On the plane, a passenger asked his neighbor:"What did the commander say just now?" His neighbor answered:" We are arriving at las vegas. Please fasten your moneybag. " 飛機上,一位乘客問鄰座:「剛才機長說什麼了?」鄰座回答:「拉斯維加斯就要到了,請大家繫好錢袋。」