





Available adapters 可用適配器;AVAIL available 可用的;AVAIL Available 可用的,可實現的;可用的,可實現的;有效的、可用的;available 可到職;可獲得的;可用的;可得到的;Demonstration available 可以進行演示;可以進行演示來源:考試大;沒出國疑問停止演示;可以進行演示:;


1.You have set up alerts for all the providers currently available. When new providers are available, they will be listed here. 您已經對當前所有可用的提供商設置了通知。當出現新的提供商時,它們將會在此列出。

2.Ten permits are made available by advance booking and the remainders are available the day before at the nearby ranger's station by lottery. 而該景點只允許十位遊客提前預訂,剩餘的只在出遊的前一天在逗留遊客的站點中按抽籤決定去留。

3.The content of the available ferrum enhanced by recycled straws, but that of the available zincum, copper and manganese had no changed obviously in soil. 秸稈直接還田提高了土壤的有效鐵含量,但對有效銅、有效鋅和有效錳含量影響不大。

4.The Troubled Times nonprofit has prepared information available to the public at cost, A CD twinset and booklet, but this information is also available for free on the web. 非營利性組織「艱難時刻」的編寫了信息,以成本價提供給公眾,是兩件套的CD和小冊子,但此信息也是免費在網絡提供的。

5.safety shoes in suede leather, anti-bacterial lining and insole, polyurethane double density sole, oil-resistant, anti-static, water-proof available, steel toecap, steel midsole available. 低幫安全鞋,反毛皮,抗菌內裡及鞋墊,聚亞安酯雙密度底,防油,防靜電,防滑,防水,防砸,防刺穿。


Mary is not available at the moment. - Mary現在沒空接電話

When would you be available to start work here? - 你什麼時候可以開始來這邊上班?

I am available as soon as possible. - 我隨時都可以上班。

Do you have any tickets available for that date? - 你們有那天的票嗎?

My mom is available to baby-sit this weekend. - 我媽媽在這個週末可以照顧小寶寶。

But the only time he's available this week - 但這星期他有空的時間只有

There are abundant free materials available on the internet. - 因特網上有豐富的免費資料提供。

There is a lot of unsavory material available on the internet. - 網絡上有很多不健康的信息。

I'm afraid there's nothing available before noon. - 恐怕中午前是沒法看了。

Do you have any tickets available for that date? - 你們有那天的票嗎?

We certainly expect our product to be available by October 1. - 我們的產品在可在10月1日前準備好。

We have an extended warranty available at extra cost. - 對於額外價錢我們有較長的保證期限。

It's available in a variety of sizes at convenience stores and department stores as well. - 有各種大小型號,在便利商店和百貨公司均有。

We want to purchase Chinese tea. Please send us your best offer by fax indicating origin packing, quantity available and the earliest time of shipment. - 我們欲購中國茶。請用電傳給我們報最好價,並說明產地、包裝、可供數量及最早發貨日期。

Those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1,2,5,10 and 20 litres. - 這些貨物分別裝入1、2、5、10、20升的木桶裡。

They invariably lie nearby and are always available for an informal chat or an evening's entertainment. - 因為他們都住在附近,你隨時可以同他們聊天或在晚上一起娛樂。

Today, enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn - 現在已有足夠的水深測量數據來繪製一張大西洋洋底地形圖,

We certainly expect our product to be available by October 1. - 我們的產品在可在10月1日前準備好。


available iron - 可吸收鐵

available energy; availableenergy - 可用能

commercially available packs - 市場包裝

active principle; available composition; avtive constituent; effective element - 有效成分

available chlorine - 有效氯

available temperature; effective temperature - 有效溫度

available thiocyanate volume - 有效硫氰化物量

available fertilizer - 有效肥料

available energy; availableenergy - 有效能

available acidity - 有效酸度

available work - 有用功

available energy; availableenergy - 有用能


n.市場包裝 - commercially available packs

n.有配好的散劑 - this is a powder available

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