





n. electric organ ,electronic organ ,harmonium ,pipe organ


organsn. 器官;機構;風琴(organ的複數)


organs 元件、機構;器官;風琴;臟器;Intermediary organs 聘請中介機構費;中介機構;sexual organs 性器官;生殖器官;government organs 政府機構;splenic organs 脾臟器;


1.It encloses all organs and is the largest one. 它圍繞所有的器官,是人體最大的器官」。

2.What if engineers find ways to grow organs from stem cells. 如果工程師發現了用干細胞培養器官的方法。

3."Language skills" is the students pronunciation and speaking skills organs, and then look at training and obedient. 「語言技能」是對學生進行發音器官和說話技能訓練,以及看話和聽話訓練。


The cloning of human organs is controversial. - 人類器官克隆是極具爭議性的。

You must develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. - 所以你必須訓練和發展你的發音器官(聲帶、舌、口、鼻腔等)的肌肉,以便發出陌生的(另外一種語言)聲音。


five sense organs as windows of the five viscera - 五臟之閱

preservation of organs for grafting - 供移植用臟器保存

organs of mastication - 咀嚼官

organs that contain visible substances - 形髒

the upper orifices or sense organs of the head - 清竅

organs storing configurative force - 神髒

The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished - 臟腑失養


n.內癰 - abscess of internal organs

n.附屬生殖器 - accessory sex organs

n.鄰近器官 - adjacent organs

n.生殖器畸形 - anomaly of genital organs

n.中腑 - apoplexy involving the hollow organs

n.中髒 - apoplexy involving the solid organs

n.中髒 - apoplexyinvolving the solid organs

n.中腑 - applexy involving the hollow organs

聽覺器官 - auditory organs

n.倉廩之官 - barn organs

n.內臟活檢穿刺器械包 - biopsy needle set for internal organs

n.協調內臟 - coordinate organs

n.緊要器官 - critical organs

消化器官 - digestive organs

n.內分泌器官 - endocrine organs

n.感官檢查 - examination by snsory organs

n.外生殖器 - external genital organs

n.奇恆之腑 - extraordinary organs

女性生殖器,女性生殖器官 - female genital organs

n.五走 - five flavors matching the organs

n.五腑 - five fu-organ or five hollow organs

n.五腑 - five holow organs

五官 - five organs

n.五官 - five sense organs

n.五臟之閱 - five sense organs as windows of the five viscera

n.審苗竅 - inspection of the sensory organs

n.內分泌器官 - incretory organs

n.女性盆腔器官炎症 - inflammatory disease of female pelvic organs

n.盆腔器官炎症 - inflammatory disease of pelvic organs

n.內生殖器 - internal genital organs

n.內臟 - internal organs

n.男性生殖器 - male genital organs

男性性器宮,男性器官 - male sex organs

n.九髒 - nine internal organs

n.盆腔內器管 - pelvic organs

n.供移植用臟器保存 - preservation of organs for grafting

漸進性泌尿肌癌症 - progressive urinary organs cancer

呼吸肌純化 - respiratory organs dep

n.感覺器官 - sense organs

n.身體器官的功能 - the function of the body's organs

n.陽氣 - the functional aspect of internal organs

n.奇恆之腑 - the unusual internal organs

n.清竅 - the upper orifices or sense organs of the head

n.臟腑失養 - The zang-fu organs fail to be nourished

n.盆腔器官結核 - tuberculosis of pelvic organs

排尿器官瘤 - tumor of the urinary organs

n.十二髒 - twelve internal organs

n.泌尿器,泌尿器官 - urinary organs

n.前庭耳蝸器官 - vestibulocochlear organs

n.陰髒 - yin organs

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