





n. base


radix['reidiks]n. 根;基數


radix 基數;基底;基,基數,根值;計數制的基數;radix sort 基數排序;基數排序法;基數排序法;基數排序;variable radix 可變基數;計數制的可變基數;radix astragali 黃芪;黃耆;binary radix 二進制基數;


1.A digit position within a set of digits corresponding to a given power of the radix. 在對應於給定的基數冪次的一組數字中的一個數字的位置(簡稱數位)。

2.CONCLUSION Radix Astragali injection can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of NACC cells. It has better anti-cancer effect. 結論黃芪注射液能抑制NACC細胞株增殖並誘導細胞凋亡,有較好的抗癌作用。

3.Objective:To remove double peaks of baicalin and calculate correctly the content of baicalin in determination of Radix Scutellariae in Chinese pharmacopoeia (2000 edition). 目的:為解決中國藥典2000年版一部黃芩測定中時而出現的雙峰以及正確計算黃芩甘的含量。


notoginseng; panax pseudo-ginseng; radix notoginseng; root ot pseudo-ginseng - 三七

radix sensoria nervitrigemini; sensory root of trigeminal nerve - 三叉神經感覺根

motor root of trigeminal nerve; radix motoria nervi trigemini - 三叉神經運動根

radix superior; superior root - 上根

inferior root; radix inferior - 下根

radix salviae miltiorrhizae; red sange root - 丹參

radix two computer - 二進制電子計算機

dangshen; pilose asiabell root; radix codonopsis pilosulae - 黨參

medial root; radix medialis - 內側根

radix vestibularis; vestibular root - 前庭根

anterior root; radix anterior; ventral root - 前根

parasympathetic root; radix parasympathicus - 副交感根

oculomotor parasympathetic root; radix oculomotoria parasympathica - 動眼根

beach silvertop root; glehnia root; radix glehniae - 北沙參

dorsal radix; posterior root; radix dosalis - 後根

india pokeberry; pke root; pokeberry noot; radix phytolaccae - 商陸

companumoea root; radix campanumoeae - 土黨參

elecampane root; radix inulae helenii - 土木香

burnet root; radix sanguisorbae; sanguisorba root - 地榆

radix notation; radix scale - 基數記數法

lateral root; radix lateralis - 外側根

lucid asparagus asparagus root; radix asparagi - 天冬

radix trichosanthis; snakegourd root; trichosanthes root - 天花粉

radix trichosanthis poisoning - 天花粉中毒

pseudostellaria root; radix psuedostellariae - 太子參

chinese clematis; clematis root; radix clematidis - 威靈仙

radix mesenterii; root of mesentery; rootofmesentery - 小腸膜根

radix helicteris; screwtree root - 山芝麻

radix sophorae subporstratae; subprostrate soplhor root - 山豆根

hkolly root; radix ilicis asprellae; scaly holly root - 崗梅

radix angelicae sinensis extract - 當歸浸膏

radix sensoria; sensory root - 感覺根

polygonum bistort; radix bistortae; sweet dock; sweetdock - 拳參

balloonflower root; platycodon root; radix platycodi - 桔梗

louat root; radix eriobotryae - 楷杷根

radix pili; root of hair - 毛根

synonymous with radix stephaniae tetrandrea - 漢防已

radix adenophorae - 沙參

radix dentis; root of tooth - 牙根

achyranthes and cyathula root; achyranthes root; radix achyranthis bidentatae - 牛膝

radix ranunculi ternati; ternate buttercup root - 貓爪草

dried rhizome of adhesive rehmannia; radix rehmanniae; rehmannia root - 生地

nail root; onychorrhiza; radix unguis - 甲根

stemona root radix stemonae - 百部

radix brevis gangiiciliaris; short root of ciliary ganglion - 睫狀神經節短根

long root of ciliary ganglion; radix longa gangliiciliaris - 睫狀神經節長根

large-leaf gentian root; radix gentianae macrophyllae; the root of largeleaf gentian - 秦艽

glutinous rice root; radix oryzae glutinosae - 糯稻根

cohosh root; radix gaulophylli - 紅毛七

dorsal root; radix dorsalis - 背側根


n.鈴蘭根 - convallariae radix

n.後根 - dorsal radix

葛根 - Puerariae Radix

n.百部 - stemona root radix stemonae

n.漢防已 - synonymous with radix stephaniae tetrandrea

n.可變基數 - variable radix

共2頁 上壹頁 1 2 下壹頁