n. goy ,heathen ,infidel ,non-jew
gentilesn. 外邦人;異教徒;非猶太人(gentile的複數)
Gentiles 同姓人,同宗人;外邦人;非猶太人;異教徒;the Gentiles 外邦人;Summa Contra Gentiles 反異教大全;駁異大全;駁異大全》;論公教信仰的真理;Court of the Gentiles 外邦人院;Having your conversation good among the Gentiles 在外教人中要常保持良好的品行,好使那些誹謗你們為作惡者的人,因見到你們的善行,而在主眷顧的日子,歸光榮於天主。;
1.But there was in her a certain pride and love of labor with many Gentiles have been blessed. 可是她有許多非猶太人所具有的那種自尊心,那種對勞動的熱愛。
2.Acts 28:28 Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. 使徒行傳28:28於是保羅說:「所以,你們應當知道,上帝拯救的信息已經傳給外邦人了。他們倒是會聽的!」
3.Our home had little contact with Gentiles. But there were the Gentile washwoman who came to the house to fetch our laundry. My story is about one of these. 我們家和猶太人之外的人很少來往。不過那時有不是猶太人的洗衣婦來我們家取洗衣物。我的故事就是關於那些洗衣婦中的一個。