Nephrolepis 腎蕨屬;腎鱗蕨屬;腎蕨屬(蜈蚣草屬);Nephrolepis sp 腎蕨;Nephrolepis cordifolia 腎蕨;腎蕨 (骨碎補科;Nephrolepis biserrata 長葉腎蕨;Abies nephrolepis 臭冷杉;東陵冷杉;臭冷杉}{東陵冷杉;
1.Meanwhile, the content of heavy metals in Nephrolepis cordifolia increased significantly. 同時腎蕨對各種重金屬離子吸收總量也顯著提高。
2.Any of various ferns of the genus Nephrolepis, including the Boston fern, having bipinnately compound fronds and sori at the vein tips. 一種腎蕨屬蕨類植物,包括波士頓蕨,有二回羽狀的復葉,葉脈的兩端有孢子堆。
3.The seed density of climax species such as Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, and Acer mono increased, whereas that of Maackia amurensis and Fraxinus mandshurica decreased. 紅松、臭松和色木槭等頂極種的種子密度逐漸增大,山槐、水曲柳等樹種的種子密度逐步降低;