participance[pɑ:'tisipəns]n. 參與;分享(等於participancy)
1.I feel warm and dynamic with your participance. I wish you all a happy new year! 希望能有更多的人參與,我相信參與的人會在這種交流與互助中感受進步的快樂的。
2.In addition, there should be situational activities for students'participance in which the students are able to apperceive when learning. 還可以創設由學生參與其中的活動情境,在活動中感悟、學習和思考。
3.But they have poor measures , superficial consciousness and lack of knowledge in health care, which demonstrates the disaccord between the cognition and participance. 但自我保健知識缺乏,意識淡薄,保健措施差,存在著認知水平與參與的不一致性。