





Timely to Prevent Project Abortions 時間有保證,防止項目流產;Timely to Prevent Project Abortions 時間有保證,防止項目流產;Nimble is amounted to whether the viewfinder that installs the eye that prevent bewildered 捷達能否安裝防眩目的反光鏡;Prevent Assess 限制電話本存取;To prevent the risk of injury posed by falling and collapsing at the job site 防止有墜落、崩塌等之虞之作業場所引起之危害。;


1.Fuselage use disposable sterile design, pigment to prevent the return of effectively isolate the virus to prevent cross-infection of the bacteria. 機身採用拋棄式無菌設計,防止色料回流,能有效隔離病菌,防止細菌的交叉感染。

2.No way to prevent misuses. Nor can we prevent people from making wrong choices. 我們既沒有方法來防止濫用,也無法防止他人做錯誤的選擇。

3.Regulation is supposed to order the markets, prevent panics, present a fair playing field and prevent fraud. 實行監管,意在維護公平有序的市場環境,遏制市場恐慌並防範欺詐行為。

4.If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 都是兩個多月的寶寶,在同一個防疫站,怎麼有的是服用脊髓灰質炎活疫苗滴劑,有的是服用糖丸。

5.If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives, take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait. 如接種麻疹疫苗能預防麻疹,服脊髓灰質炎三價混合疫苗能預防小兒麻痺症等。


The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage. - 貨物將用細刨花包裝,以防損壞。

Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring. - 堅固的木箱和箱內嚴密的填充可防止木箱受震、開裂。

He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow. - 能忍一時氣,可免一日優。

The journey is so smooth that there is nothing to prevent you from reading or sleeping. - 旅途平穩,絲毫不妨礙你閱讀或睡眠。

Knowing that the industrious ant lives in a highly organized society does nothing to prevent us from being filled with revulsion when we find hordes of them crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch. - 即使知道勤奮的螞蟻生活具有高度組織性的社會裡,當看到大群螞蟻在我們精心準備的午間野餐上爬行時,我們也無法抑制對它們的反感。

but we were afraid that the strength of the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted. - 但我們擔心,洪水力量將使它上岸之前就筋疲力盡了。


anti abortion; anti abortion; antiabortion; antiabortion; miscarriage prevention; to prevent miscarriage - 安胎

prevent recurrence of malaria; preventing attack of malmria; preventing attack or recurrence of malaria - 截瘧

enriching the blood to prevent miscarriage - 補血安胎

n. method to prevent rust - 阻銹法

heatstroke prevention; prevent heatstroke; sunstroke prevention - 防暑

n. regulations on prevent from radiation hazards - 防止放射線災害的規定

n. regulations on prevent from radiation hazards - 防止輻射傷害規則


皮膚傷裂膏 - cream to prevent chapped skin

n.補血安胎 - enriching the blood to prevent miscarriage

n.安胎 - to prevent miscarriage

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