





Specify picture background color or use an automatic background color - 指定圖片的背景顏色,或使用自動背景顏色;Background and Acknowledgements 背景以及基本資料;Where assumes background 哪裡作背景;backdrop background context setting 背景;Background 背景;後台;後擋;背景,基礎,本底;


1.products used in television background, background sofa, bedside background and restaurant background, the top wall. 產品應用在電視背景、沙發背景、床頭背景及餐廳背景、頂端牆面。

2.This renders the background texture at the location (0, 0) on top of your green background. 這段代碼在綠色背景的頂部即位置(0,0)處渲染了一個背景紋理。

3.Style details : This has a grey base background color. It comes with a bevel and a softish background shadow. 樣式細節: 這一個灰色梯度在這樣式與一點塑料二面對切的作用。

4.The contrast of images in the video with caliginous background is low, general methods are difficult to detect the target in caliginous background. 昏暗背景下視頻圖像對比度低,通常的檢測算法很難實現對運動目標的檢測。

5.The background was worked out based on the margin of the Moire deflectograms, and so was the space phase distribution of the background. 根據莫爾條紋邊緣提取背景,進一步獲得背景相位分佈。


My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job. - 我的教育背景和工作經驗使我能夠勝任這項工作。

get some background on the job. - 瞭解這項工程的一些背景。

With your background and experience, - 依你的背景和經驗,

and writing the background for Family Album,U.S.A.-- - 為Family Album,U.S.A.撰寫背景說明的年輕人

It's only the background color that's not identical. - 這僅僅是圖案的底色不同而已。

We have some reports to show you for background information. - 我們還有一些報告向你介紹背景資料。

Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. - 鑽石項鏈、戒指漂亮地陳列在黑色絲絨上面。

Invariably the background was the same: dirt and poverty, and very uncomfortable. - 骯髒、貧窮,極其不舒適。


low background counter; low-background counter - 低本底計數器

background equivalent activity - 天然本底放射當量強度

natural back-ground radiation; natural background radiation - 天然本底輻射

background cut off - 扣除本底

background luminescence - 本底發光

background noise - 本底噪聲

background suppression - 本底抑制

background activity - 本底放射性

background impurity - 本底雜質

background correction - 本底校正

background corrector - 本底校正器

background deermination - 本底測定

background exposure - 本底照射

background current - 本底電流

background ions - 本底離子

background count - 本底計數

background count - 本底計數本底計數

background counting rate - 本底計數率

background counting rate - 本底記數率

background survey - 本底調查

background spectrum - 本底譜圖

background mass spectrum - 本底質譜圖

background radiation - 本底輻射

high background radiation area - 高本底輻射地區


身體背景 - body background

n.火焰背景 - flame background

遺傳背景 - genetic background

n.高本底輻射地區 - high background radiation area

n.低本底計數器 - low background counter

n.天然本底輻射 - natural background radiation

n.天然放射本底 - natural radioactive background

n.不透明背景 - opaque background

室內背景 - room background

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