ULC 超低成本;超低價;超低成本手機;手機;ULC UncommittedLogicArray 自由邏輯陣列;uLC - Microcolumn LC 微徑柱LC;ULC Universal Logic Circuit 通用邏輯電路;ULC Ultra Low Cost 成功導入主流低價手機;
1.ULC project is more risky than other kinds of projects because of its distinctness. 但因整理項目的特殊性,使其比一般工程項目具有更大的風險性。
2.For Fire Protection, gear operators, it is critical to use only key (8) supplied with gear operator to conform to UL, FM, and ULC specifications. 對於消防防火閥門,齒輪操作機構,最重要的是只能採用符合UL,FM和ULC標準要求的,隨齒輪操作機構供應的銷鍵(8)。
3.But the concrete season needs further study. However, by proper annealing process hot rolling in ferrite region can product satisfying ULC 但是,通過鐵素體區軋制並結合合理的退火制度,可生產出滿足要求的超低碳烘烤硬化鋼。