n. sojournv. call ,inspect ,see ,travel to
visit['vizit]n. 訪問;參觀;逗留vt. 訪問;參觀;視察vi. 訪問;暫住;閒談
visit 訪問;參觀;客人來訪;拜訪;official visit 正式訪問;官式訪問;正式來訪;官式訪問 公務員事務;informal visit 非正式訪問;非正式來訪;visit sb 拜訪某人;看看某人;shop visit (飛機的)拆下發電機的大修;進車間修理;(飛機啲)拆下發電機啲大修;
1.Now that we're in Europe we ought to visit the Netherlands. 既然我們到了歐洲,就應當去荷蘭。
2.How come you never visit us anymore? 為什麼你不再來探望我們了。
3.Please do visit Philippines again, we all love you here. 請不要再次訪問菲律賓,我們都愛你這裡。
If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family. - 如果你聖誕節前後有空,歡迎到我家來玩。
How has your visit to Shanghai been so far? - 目前你對上海的印象如何?有何收穫?
Of course, I'll visit at least once a year, maybe more. - 當然,我最少每年會來拜訪一次,也許更多次。
What are some places of interest to visit there? - 那兒有什麼有趣的地方可以參觀的嗎?
I only had time to visit Edinburgh. - 我只有時間去愛丁堡。
Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? - 也許你可以到希臘來看我?
I hope that someday maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing. - 我希望將來有一天,你可以來北京到我家裡作客。
This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in the hospital. - 今天下午我們將去探望一位住院的朋友。
His visit was well timed. - 他的訪問正合時宜。
When you visit an American home. - 在你訪問一戶美國人家時
I am very happy that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company. - 您不遠千里從美國來我公司訪問,我們感到非常高興。
Our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable and worthwhile. - 我們所有的員工都會盡力使您的來訪舒適而有價值。
Sincerely hope that your visit here will be worthwhile and meaningful. - 衷心希望您的來訪有收穫且意義深遠。
People go to visit their parents, relatives and friends. - 人們出門探望父母、親威和朋友。
I'm thinking about a visit to Paris. - 我在考慮去巴黎旅遊。
I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble. - 我希望這次來參觀沒有給你們增添太多的麻煩。
I went to visit an uncle of mine in San Francisco. - 我去舊金山看望一個叔叔。
He didn't visit this country on the tour. - 他在旅行中不擬訪問這個國家。
Excuse me I can't visit you. - 對不起我不能拜訪你。
Let's go visit them. - 讓我們去拜訪他們吧。
I am looking forward to your visit next week. - 我期待著你下周來訪。
He will soon visit Darwin. - 他不久還將到達達爾文去,
At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky. - 在一個鄉村集市上,我決定去拜訪一位稱作別林斯夫人的算命人。
When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, - 當你遊覽倫敦時,首先看到的東西之一就是「大本」鐘,
I have always regarded the country as something you look at through a train window, or something you occasional visit during the weekend. - 總認為鄉村是透過火車車窗看到的那個樣了,或偶爾週末去遊玩一下景象。
Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. - 我在鄉村有一些熟人,他們每年進城來看一回或幾回戲,並把此看作一種特殊的享受。
But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave. - 但是,他想看一看家鄉父老鄉親,為我的母親掃墓。
Henry Taylor, he went offimmediately to visit him, - 亨利·泰勒,就立刻跑去看他,
Professor Ronald Bracewell, a leading American radio astronomer,argued in Nature that such a superior civilization, on a visit to our own solar system, - 假如有如此高級文明生命訪問了我們的太陽系,
Is this your first visit to our showroom. - 您是第一次到我們展示室來的吧。
We hope you enjoyed the visit to the showroom. - 希望你還喜歡我們的展示室
I hope my visit does not cause you too much trouble. - 我希望這次來參觀沒有給你們增添太多的麻煩。
Whenever I visit him, he is not at home. - 不管我什麼時候去找他,他都不在家。
After you visit your mom in the hospital, call me so we can meet at the movies. - 在醫院看過你媽媽之後,給我打電話,我們在電影院碰面。
She was in the city to visit her daughter. - 她住在農村。
Maybe he could help James. So they took the boy to visit him. - 也許他能給詹姆斯治病。於是他們帶著詹姆斯去找他。
Dad will take me to our home town in Jiangxi. We'll visit our grandparents there. - 爸爸將帶我到江西老家去。我們將去看望在那裡的祖父母。
Every year, several classes visit the factory. - 每年都有好幾個班去參觀這家工廠。
I thought you wanted to visit your friends. - 我原以為你要去拜訪朋友。
We could visit the town of Aswan. - 我們可以遊覽阿斯旺城。
Can't we visit the High Dam? I've read a lot about it; it's the biggest in the world. - 我們不能去參觀高壩嗎?我已讀了很多關於高壩的情況;它是世界上最大的。
If we go to visit the High Dam, we can take a boat to visit the temple at Abu Simbel. - 如果我們去遊覽高壩,我們還可以乘船去觀看阿布·辛拜勒神廟。
He's here on a visit from Guangzhou. - 他從廣州來這裡參觀訪問。
I've got some personal affairs that I have to see to, but I've also got some time to visit some relatives. - 我還有些個人的事得去料理一下,但我也得抽些時間去看看一些親戚。
I guess she's gone to visit some friends in another town. - 我猜她是去別的城鎮看朋友了。
They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively. - 他們一起度過了一個充實而又非常愉快的早上,弗雷德發現自己具有導遊的才能,能使參觀活動變得趣味盎然。
She didn't visit her step-mother much, though I believe that they used to speak on the phone from time to time. - 她不常看望她的繼母,雖然,我相信她們過去時不進在電話裡聊一聊。
I watched Hope secretly for a week, and I even paid a visit to her at work. - 我秘密觀察了霍普一個星期,甚至還在她工作時拜訪了她。
I knew that experts from the local museum would soon visit the cave. - 我知道本地博物館的專家會很快到山洞來探訪。
first visit examination - 初診檢查
return visit examination - 複診檢查
往診 - doctor's visit to patient
n.初診 - first visit
n.初診檢查 - first visit examination
n.出診,家訪 - home visit
n.出診箱 - medical kit for home visit
產前探望;產前就診 - Prenatal Visit
n.複診 - return visit
n.複診檢查 - return visit examination
n.試驗調查 - trial visit
n.病室巡診,查房 - ward visit